High on love -Johnny pt2

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It's not rlly a part 2 it's more of a it happened again ig


The gang and I where all sitting around watching a movie when two-but and Steve barge through the door "GUYS OMG LOOK WHAT WE GOT" he then holds up a bag of gummys "you stole a bag of gummy bears? What are you five?" Said dally "no DALL-ASS it's a bag of WEED gummy's" said Steve "how did you even get it?" Asked Darry "welluhhhmeandstevewentoutandgotintoagightwithsomesocsandweuhhhwekickedassandstolethisfromtherebqckpocketthnweranbeforethepokicrcame yea" said two-bit ".......what?" I asked "THE POINT IS I GOT IT NOW ARE WE GONNA GET HIGH OR NOT???" Yelled Steve "sure I'm down" said soda "ok" said pony "ehhhh sure why not" I said "I'll pass" said johnny the rest say yes and they all get a whole piece and after a bit things start getting weird....

I was sitting on the couch trying to not pass out when I look up and see Darry bench pressing pony "AHHHHH DARRY PUT ME DOWNNNN" yelled pony, Dally's over there laughing his ass off. Two is playing with beer bottles like Barbie's "no you can't go to Melissa's party you gotta stay here, you can't tell me what to do bitch" Steve and soda are getting real invested in the story "ohhhh no" said Steve "that bitch"said soda. But Johnny, Johnny was just sitting on the couch. He looked so majestic with his baby brown eyes and smooth jaw line, I was drooling at this point thinking about Johnny "you ok y/n?" I smile and rest my hand on his shoulder at stare into his eyes "your the most gorgeous person I've ever seen and...I love you" I knew in my head that I fucked up and shouldn't have said that.

I get up and start pacing around the room panicing "nonononononofuckfuckfucknono" he gets up and grabs me by my hands "y/n what's wrong??" I start breaking down in tears, he pulls me into a tight hug "shh shhh johnnys here Johnnys here" I inhale the smell of cigarette smoke and Bonfire "I'm sorry.." I muffle in the crook of his neck "sorry for what?" He asked "I'm sorry for telling you how I feel.."he pulls me off "y/n I love you too, so so much" before I could even know what to do I reach up and kiss him, as we pull away smiling I here crowds of laughing and oooooo's coming from the guys I look over and see two playing with his beer bottles making them kiss pretending it's us making kissy sounds "ooo ooo y/n I loveeee youuuu ooo" *kisses*kisses* "ooo I love you too Johnny and I got a smoking rack" *kisses*kisses* "shut the hell but two-bitch" I yell "HEY THE ONLY BITCH HERE IS MALISSA...stupid ass bitch throwing a party when she knows it's my birthday..."

I wake up I'm Johnnys arms lying on the couch with his arms around my waist, I look over and see two-bit upside down? And soda in my old prom dress

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I wake up I'm Johnnys arms lying on the couch with his arms around my waist, I look over and see two-bit upside down? And soda in my old prom dress. Dal was in the kitchen and Steve was watching tv. Pony looks over at us and smiles "ooOoOoOo look the lovers are uppppp" as I open my mouth to tell him off Johnny Cut me off "yeah..we are" I smile at him and look deep into his baby brown eyes falling in lover all over again.

Y'all give me ideas I need them Fr

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