Hate- dallas

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Y/e/c- you are eye color

I hate her

I hate her stupid smile

I hate her stupid hair

I hate her stupid voice

I hate the way she acts

But most of all


I hate that I'm in love with her


I was sitting in my bed thinking about her again, y/n y/l/n, she was the only girl in Tulsa that showed me off, she just a greaser girl who doesn't know when to take a joke.

*flash back*

I was at the drive in movies with Johnny and pony when I spotted a girl out of the Corner of my eye. She was smoking a cancer stick, the glow of her lighter hit every feature on her face. I turn and look at Johnny and elbow him in the side "look at that broad over there Johnny cakes" I say pointing over to her "go talk to her dal, I mean the girls always say yes to you so go talk to her" "your right man! Thanks" I Pat his shoulder and walk over to the girl.

"Hey there beautiful" I comment, she looks up at me with her y/e/c eyes "what do you want?" She spat "well I was hoping for your number toots" I smirk "you think I would give my number to just some greaser? Think again man" she starts walking away "well I mean if you just want to make out now that's fine with me" she turned around "I don't think you get it, I'm not interested in you, I don't like you, so get the fuck out of here" I felt anger raise to my face

"do you even know who your talking to skank?" "At this point I don't really care" she grabs the cancer stick from her mouth and throws it on the ground "I'm dallas Winston, and if you knew me you wouldn't be talking to me like that" I spat "well Dallas Winston, I don't really care nor do I have intentions to ever see or speak to you again" she walked away leaving me there speechless, what the hell?

I walk back I've to Johnny and pony and flop down on a chair "how did I go with the girl dal?" Johnny asked "forget it man" I take out a cancer stick and light it, who was that girl?

*end of flash back*

I finally decide to get my ass out of bed and take a walk, I know it's dangerous to walk on the streets alone at night but I can handle socs.


I was down a long street that was right near the park,
I was griping my pocket knife and keeping my eyes out of any mustangs when I here a familiar voice "hell the hell away from me!" It was her I ran over to where the voice was coming from and I see bob and his gang around her, she was on the ground bleeding holding her side "well well well I guess little miss y/n isn't as tough as she says she is" mocked bob, he then kicked her straight in the stomach making her whimper, I should help her I thought but she's such a bitch but Shes all by herself and she doesn't have any weapons, what the hell "hey!" Yell grabbing a he attention of the socs "well Dallas Winston, what are you doing here?" Said bob crossing his arms "I'm here to kick your ass that's what" I walk up to him and punch him square in the nose making him fall back and run off.

I look down at y/n even if she was all beat up she still looked beautiful, stop thinning like that Winston, I kneel down and shake her a bit to she if she's responsive she had passed out from all the beating so I picked her up and carried her home.


When we got to the house I decided to tend to her wounds now but before that I lie her down on my bed to let her rest I look down and see the big blood stain on her hip I lift her shirt up a bit and see a stab wound, I jump up and grab a first aid kit from the bathroom in case of situations like this I take a peace of old shirt and pour some alcohol on it and place it gently on the wound hearing a winch from her lips as she wakes up

"w-what happened? Where am I?" I put the cloth down and grab bandages "chill it's just me" she finally noticed it was me "oh whoop dee doo" she says scarcasitly "look I'm just trying to help ya" I take a larger bandage and wrap it around her waist to put pressure on it "why are you trying to help me?" I look at her "because I'd be a dick if I didn't do anything ya know?" I could see some guilt in her eyes "hey I'm sorry how I treated you at the movies I thought you where some perv"

I chuckled a bit "well I was sure acting like it, and I'm sorry that I call you a skank and stuff" she smiles a bit "it's alright" I look into her eyes and admire her features "you know, I never stopped thinking about you since that night" I smile "oh really?" "Yeah, how could I forget the only girl that called me out" she laughed then grabbed at here waist in pain "hey calm down and rest" I say getting up "Dallas" I turn around "thank you" she leans up and kisses my cheek, I blush like a mad man making her smile.

God I hate her but love is stronger than hate

This sucked ngl

The outsiders smutt/preferenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora