Truth or dare- johnny

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I walked over to the Curtis house to hang out with the gang, the gang and I have been inseparable ever sense I started working at the DX with soda and Steve, eventually they introduced me to the rest of the gang and now it's like where one big family.

There was on member though, Johnny, I've had a crush on Johnny for about 6 years now, we met in school but we didn't talk a lot but he was so interesting and kind plus he had the most beautiful brown eyes in Tulsa, We became a lot closer since I became apart of the gang and he's one of my best friends, but I wish it could be more, I told soda and Steve a while back that I liked Johnny and they support it 100%.

Anywho, I got to the Curtis house and walked in to be greeted by soda and two-bit while Steve and Darry where in the kitchen"HEY Y/N" yelled two "finally, we're bored and we need something to do" said soda "well what do you want me to do about it?" I asked "strip show?" I turn around and see Dallas, pony, and Johnny "haha very funny Winston" I playfully punch his shoulder.

We sat there for a bit trying to figure out what to do "what about the game truth or dare" suggested Steve we all agree and started to play. "Alright pony truth or dare?" Asked soda "truth" "who do you like??" A bright blush came on pony's face "I-uh" "come on spit it out pone!" I yell "c-cherry valance.." I smirk, he told me a bit ago that he had feelings for her and I was happy for him.

"The red head from the movies?" Asked dally "yea so what?" Pony's spat out "nothing, nothing"

"Alright Steve truth or dare?" Asked pony "dare" "I dare you to eat a while chocolate cake" Steve shot up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed the cake and started devouring it "I think that was a wish, not a dare" said soda laughing "ok y/n." Oh god "truth or dare?" I hesitated for a bit, if I picked truth he would ask who I liked and if I picked dare he would dare me to kiss someone "I-um dare?" Shit "I dare you to wear Johnny's jacket" that's all?

Johnny looked at me and handed me his jacket and I put it on it smelt just like him, I mean of course it smelt like him but just the sent of cigarette smoke and old spice made me blush and smile, I loved the way he smelt it was so comforting "alright two, truth or dare?" I asked "DARE I'm not a pussy!" I smile "ok then, I dare you to do the truffle shuffle (LETS JUST PRETEND THAT THE GOONIES CAME OUT BEFORE THIS ALRIGHT)

"nah your joking right?" Asked two-bit "what? Are you too much of a two-BITCH?" He hated when I called him two-bitch "fine" he then lifted up his shirt and started to do the truffle shuffle

(If you don't know what the truffle shuffle is here's the clip)

Once he was done he pulled down is shit and looked at me dead in the eyes "satisfied?" He asked "very" I smiles "I bet you just wanted to see my abs" he smirked "in your dreams" I spat "I bet if Johnny did it you would be all over that-" soda punched is arm and shushed him, both Johnny and I's face where beat red. I look down embarrassed and avoiding eye contact with Johnny at all cost "anyway" said Darry trying to change the subject "ummm I uh I got to go." I said standing up "wait y/n-" I heard two-bit before I stormed out.

I walked a bit before I realized that I still had Johnny jacket I didn't want to go back but I also didn't want Johnny to not have his jacket so I turned around and started walking back. I stepped on the porch and knocked on the door and Darry answered "y/n-" I cut him off "give this to Johnny"I said after taking one last whiff I held it out to give to Darry but then he said "Johnny left just a bit ago-" with t hat I went running to find him.

Johnnys POV:

Y/n just stormed out, I mean for good reason but I didn't know if two-bit ment what he said. I really like y/n so much that you could say that there the love of my life but I needed to talk to them now, I look around for a bit then I started to walk towards the lot to see if they where there.

I ran around looking for him, but hen I remembered that he likes to go to the lot and sleeps o I started to walk over there.

Once I got to the lot I saw him, he was crouch down starting a small fire he looked so handsome then I saw him look at me "y/n-" he stood up and started walking towards me "Johnny I'm sorry about storming off like that umm here's your jacket" I handed him the jacket and looked down at my feet embarrassed

"uhh yeah sorry about stealing your jacket I'll umm get out of your hair now-" before I could walk off I feel a hand on mine "wait y/n" I turn and see Johnny staring into my eyes "I have to tell you something" my heart started to race, did he not want to be friends anymore? Does he have a girlfriend? Oh god .

"I-I really like you y/n.. Ive liked you since the day we met and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner and it's ok if you don't like me back I understand but please don't leave me like that ever again-" I then jumped and hugged him in a tight embrace "I like you too Johnny.." we pulled away and I saw his wide smile "truth or dare?" He asked me "uh dare?" I questioned "I dare you to be my girlfriend?" He asked I smiled "yes Johnny!" I lean forward and kissed him.

I can be mad at two later but for now I can thank him.

Omg this sucked I'm so sorry- also this is not hate to two-bit I love him sm

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