What they do when you're sick

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Darry- makes you soup and gets you medicine <3 doesn't really kiss you cuz he doesn't want to get sick but he still try's his best to show affection.

Sodapop- this mf would get you anything and everything, would try and make you soup but would ask for Darry's help, kisses you and cuddles with you no matter what he doesn't care if he gets sick with you.

Ponyboy- would read to you to help you fall asleep, he would rub your forehead to help with headaches and would leave kisses on the top of your head.

Johnny- helps you in anyway he can, gives you hugs and kisses 24/7 "Johnny no you'll get sick" "that just means I can spend more time with you" you end up falling asleep in his arms (I love him sm omg)

Dallas- wouldn't really know how to help you, would call Darry and ask for advice, give you forehead kisses "yk I read somewhere that orgasms help with headaches-" "Dallas Winston-"

Two-bit- would crack jokes to make you feel better , give you small kisses, watches Mickey Mouse with you untill you fall asleep

Steve-would get you snacks from the DX and get you tissues and medicine, would make you chocolate cake (even though you shouldn't have cake) head kisses and hugs

The outsiders smutt/preferenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora