You tell them that your pregnant

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Darry- hey it's gonna be ok,I mean it takes two to make a baby

Sodapop- *squeals* OMG REALLY IM GONNA BE A. DAD??? YES *spins you around* *starts naming them*

Dally- nah fuck that *runs out the door*
(Ok if dally didn't do that he would say it ok and shit and freak out)

Ponyboy- *touches your stomach* it's ok baby we can do this together forever *kisses your forehead*

Johnny- *starts crying* *kiss es you and your stomach* it's gonna be ok sweetie we are gonna be great parents

Two-bit- shit really? *you nod* hey it's gonna be ok your gonna be such a milf

Steve- *starts jumping* OMG WAIT REALLY?? YE HAW *runs out to tell soda*

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