The letter-sodapop

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It's been a year and a half since soda got drafted in the army, it's been very stressful for everyone it's scary knowing that one day he might get shot during battle.

I was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tv hoping to find something good when I come across a news report.

"Lady's and gentlemen of America we recently found out that the army base was bombed last night...there where no survivors..."

My heart dropped as tears flood my face, I fall to my knees covering my face. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door, I walk over and open it to see a mail man
"Y/n l/n?" I nod, he reaches in his bag grabbing a letter "from the army base...I'm so sorry ma'm" I take the letter from him as he walks away. I shut the door and open up the letter.

"Dear y/n

the day we started talking, i had no idea this would be how it turned out.. knew something was going to happen between us but i didnt know i was gonna fall this deeply in love with you, as time progressed and i fell in love with you i knew i could give you my heart.. everything about you makes me extremely happy and comfortable not just your presence or you being there but your actions and personalitys, the way you made me feel, the way you inspired me to do better and keep going, the way you treat other people. and the way you express.  your love to me. there is no one like you y/n, no one better, i can try to find one but it impossible that i can find someone that can treat me as amazingly and love me as much as you do, the way you laugh, the way you smile, the way you look, our amazing fun times we have spent together. i dont think theres anyone that can give me the fun you do or the happiness you do. thank you for all the memories and happiness you give me and thank you for loving me as much as you do, and i can say this with my whole heart that I truly really do love you with everything in me and when I get back from this war well I'm gonna ask ya to marry me... Love you darling
Forever yours
Sodapop Curtis

Tears fall onto the paper and I fall to the floor. he's ok he has to be ok... he can't be gone...

*a few weeks later*

It's been a few weeks since the news came out, I spiraled into a deep deep depression, I haven't eaten or slept really since that day.
I was sitting at the table trapped in my thoughts when I hear a knock at the door, I collect myself and walk towards the door. As I open it a familiar face appears shines in the light I look up and see...soda? "Hi beautiful" I jump up and hug him very tight not letting him go. My tears start to make puddles on his shirt "hey hey now don't cry.."
he pulls me off and wipes my tears with his thumb
"Did you get my letter?" He asks I nod "well..what do you think?" I didn't say a word and smash my lips onto his.

Ik it's short but whatever

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