Freckles- johnny cade

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I was lying down in bed with my boyfriend johnny when I felt a pare of eyes on me I open my eyes to see my beautiful boyfriends face smiling at me "what?" I smile "do you know how cute your freckles are?" He asked, I always hated my freckles especially in the summer where they would show up more "no I don't, I look like Steve after he eats chocolate cake with crumbs all over him" I laugh he smiles "maybe but I love them and I love you" he kisses the tip of my nose and look back at my face.

"Well I think it as every freckle is reason why I love you" I look at him a bit confused "here, this one is your kindness" he said pointing at one of the freckles on my nose. I smile a bit "and this one is your beauty even though there is never enough to compare to how beautiful you are" i laugh a little "and this one right on your cheek that is you being the best girlfriend in the whole world" a small happy tear runs down my face as I hold him in a tight embrace "I love you so much Johnny cade.. your the love of my life.." his kisses the top of my head "your the love of my life to y/n..."

also this imagine literally how I felt earlier today-

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