What kind of drunk they are

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Dallas- the obvious answer is horny drunk. He will literally fuck a tree if he is drunk. Constantly wants to make out with you and kiss you. Grabs your butt or boobs the whole night.

Ponyboy- blackout drunk he will just crash anywhere anytime once soda found him sleeping on one of the gas pumps at the DX

Johnny- 100% a cuddly drunk he just wants to lie down with you for hours and will cry if you get up and leave him and he also shows more of his loving side telling you how much he loves you (I love Johnny sm)

Two-bit- stupid drunk. He will get on top of tables and just scream every Disney song he knows. Constantly falling or saying stupid stuff.

Sodapop- a mix of two-but and Dallas super clumsy and just doing stupid stuff but also being extremely horny telling you how hot you are and pinning you to walls wanting to make out.

Darry- aggressive drunk. Wanting to get into fights or punches random stuff wanting to kick and punch EVERY THING HE SEES he wouldn't hit you cuz when you tell him to stop he starts crying? Idk it seams like he would also be a sensitive drunk.

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