Rimuru in Cote. Chap 5: TEST

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One day has passed since each class's points were announced.

It's swimming class now. In the bathroom, rimuru was changing into a swimsuit, and he put on a pair of swimming trunks.

 In the bathroom, rimuru was changing into a swimsuit, and he put on a pair of swimming trunks

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Sudo: Rimuru's skin is really white, spotless, and even so, it's smooth.

Yamauchi: They're prettier than all the girls in our class.

Ike: let me touch it Ike was about to pounce on rimuru but he dodged it.

Rimuru looked around for a moment and he decided to come talk with kiyotaka and sizune.

Rimuru: hello you two.

Horikita, along with kiyotaka looked at rimuru for a moment and then greeted him back.

Rimuru: Kiyotaka looks at you so strong.

Kiyotaka: I was in the home club.

Rimuru: Is that so.

But their discussion was cut off by Kushida.

Elsewhere Manabu was watching his sister. In the room were two leaders of Class A.

Arisu and a bald guy.

Manabu: Class A got 940 points, that's a point to be proud of.

Arisu thinks: so Rimuru joined this school yeah, but I wonder why he joined D class. D class has Rimuru and Whiteroom's monster as well. This is interesting.

Rimuru was in his room.

Rimuru: Now I'm going to solve the problem that's coming up.

Rimuru asked ciel to activate his skill to predict the questions that would be in the upcoming test and print the answers enough with the number of the class. By the time the questions were printed, it was already dark. At this moment Rimuru was having a cup of coffee at the vending machine when he caught up with suzune and kiyotaka.

Rimuru: hi you two, what are you two doing so late at night.

Suzune: It's nothing but drinking water.

Kiyotaka noticed that rimuru was holding a piece of paper in his hand and asked.

Kiyotaka: Rimuru, what is that pad of paper?

Rimuru: Oh nothing, just the questions I listed for our class.

Suzune: the question you asked yourself, did you do all that.

Rimuru: It did not take too long.

Suzune and Kiyotaka started to leave. After rimuru bought himself a can of juice he also returned to his room. When he got back to his room he took his phone and called Kushida.

Rimuru: halo, Kushida-chan. I have a favor to ask of you.

Kushida: A reh, sorry rimuru, I just picked up the phone to answer for a while.

Rimuru: If you're busy, leave it for another day.

Kushida: No I'd be happy to help you rimuru.

Rimuru: Then...

Rimuru explained to Kushida what he wanted her to do.

Oneday before the exam, Kushida gave everyone Rimuru's question and answer. Kiyotaka was quite surprised by this action of Kushida when the paper she gave was not the one Kiyotaka gave her. When he looked at the sheet that kushida handed out there were many answers similar to the ones in his sheet, some of which were completely different. Kiyotaka then asked.

Kiyotaka: Kushida, who gave you this paper.

Kushida: Rimuru gave it to me, because he asked me first and I saw that rimuru's sheets are quite similar to yours so I decided to hand them out. Kiyotaka didn't say anything but just looked towards Rimuru, Rimuru just smiled.

On exam day Everyone in Class D did a great job and Kiyotaka was surprised when the questions on Rimuru's paper were correct.

To the date know the score.

Chabashira sensei entered and wrote everyone's score on the board. The highest scorers were Hirata and Kushida with 100 points for all subjects everyone else seemed to be over 90, sudo also got 86 points only Kiyotaka got 50 points and Rimuru got 69 points.

Chabashira sensei: I'm surprised that our class has the highest score out of all the classes. And best of all, no students were expelled. (Chabashira said while directing her gaze towards Rimuru).

Then she left the class.

Suzune asked Kiyotaka: what did you do Kiyotaka

Kiyotaka: I don't do anything, rather I don't need to.

Suzune looked bewildered at Kiyotaka's answer.

Then everyone gathered around, kushida and thanked her for helping them.

When sudo class was over, the boys with kushida, suzune, and Kiyotaka went to Rimuru's room to hold a celebratory party. Rimuru could only sigh at their actions.

Rimuru: why did you guys go up to my room (crossed arms)

Ike: Of course to celebrate.

Sudo: we also did a little card making.

Rimuru: Hehhhh, but why is Kushida also has one.

Kushida: I also want the key to the rimuru room.

Rimuru: Never mind.

Kushida: But Rimuru, your room is so simple, almost nothing.

Rimuru: Well, I like this better.

Kushida: Is that so, I'll keep that in mind.

After finishing, Rimuru stayed to wash the dishes. Most of them left but only Rimuru and Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka noticed that kushida forgot her phone so he gave chase and what he found made him look at Kushida differently.

Kushida: Horikata, i hate you, i hate you Horikata (said while banging on the railing) dare to talk to my Rimuru, die, die.

Kiyotaka was about to leave but unfortunately he made a sound. Causing kushida to notice and he froze.

Kushida: someone there?.

Kiyotaka: It's me.

Kushida go straight to Kiyotaka, took the phone and then put kiyotaka's hand on his chest.

Kushida: If you tell anyone especially Rimuru, I'll say you raped me.

Kiyotaka: I get it, let go.

Kushida let go of Kiyotaka's hand and regained her cheerful state.

Kushida: Now we have another secret. ( say in cheerful tone)

Kiyotaka thinks: neh, Kushida who is the real you.

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