Rimuru in Mushoku Tensei. Chap 6: Meet his future self

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It's been a while since Rudeus reunited with his family, their life is quite happy. 

At home, Aisha, Lilia, and Zenith took care of the housework, Sylphy couldn't be active much during this period, Rudeus also became closer to Aisha during this time, and he married Roxy as his wife. Norn's relationship with Rudeus hasn't improved much.

Norn on the other hand seems to love Rimuru very much, she always wants to follow Rimuru, she no longer clings to her father. Instead of sleeping with her mother, Norn goes to Rimuru's room every night to sleep, she loves to hug Rimuru, she says that Rimuru is like a pillow.

Rudeus also tried to make up with Norn by letting her stay alone in the dormitory, but since Rimuru's appearance, Norn changed her mind. Rudeus and Norn's condition worsened when two of Rudeus' disciples, Linia and Pursena, stole Norn's underwear, but then Norn came to understand his brother better and the relationship between Rudeus and Norn gradually improved. In addition, Rimuru met Nanahoshi.


While Rudeus and Nanahoshi were drawing the magic circle, the door was opened by a person, that was Rimuru.

Rimuru was walking around the school when there was a room so he opened the door to that room.

At that time in the room.

Rimuru: Rudeus what are you doing.

Rudeus: Rimuru onii-chan, I'm practicing magic by pouring magic into this circle. Oh, and it's Nanahoshi, she's the one who drew this circle.

Nanahoshi was surprised by Rimuru's beauty even though Rudeus had told Nanahoshi about his brother's beauty but Nanahoshi still couldn't help but be surprised.

Rimuru: Nanahoshi, that name is like Japanese name.

Nanahoshi: Maybe you're Japanese too.

Rimuru: Yeah, I'm Japanese too.

Rudeus: So you're also a reincarnated person?.

Rimuru: Oh yeah that's right. So Nanahoshi was summoned?.

Nanahoshi: That's right.

Rimuru: Is that so, it must be hard for you, after all, reincarnation is easier than being summoned. So let me help you guys.

Rimuru approached nanahoshi and examined the magic circle since he was quite close to Nanahoshi which made the girl blush.

Rimuru: The magic circle is a star summoning spell, but it's a bit complicated.

Rimuru then used his magic to draw the magic circle.

Rimuru: Alright then, it should be possible to summon something bigger.

Saying that, Rimuru injected magic and what he summoned was a bowl of Ramen noodles.

Rimuru: Here it is, a bowl of Ramen, this is my favorite dish.

Both Nanahoshi and Rudeus were surprised by Rimuru's talent especially Nanahoshi.

After summoning, Rimuru eats normally, but from the outside looking in, it's really cute.

Rudeus thinks: stop it, onii chan is so cute.

Nanahoshi thinks: so cute, I want to cuddle him.(blush).

Rimuru was still eating nonchalantly, not knowing that he had won Nanahoshi's heart

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Rimuru was still eating nonchalantly, not knowing that he had won Nanahoshi's heart.

From that day on, Rimuru also regularly visited Nanahoshi and Rudeus at the lab to help them with their work. Nanahoshi is happy whenever Rimuru visits.

After Nanahoshi got sick, it was Rimuru who went looking for sokasu in the lower floor of Kishirisu's castle, he fought with Atofe, although it wasn't even a battle. Atofe fainted with just one glance from Rimuru. After that Nanahoshi was cured and Rimuru's image in Nana hoshi's eyes was even more impressive, she fell in love with him.

She wants to be with Rimuru

Flash back end.

Currently, Ariel has asked for help from perugius and of course her husband Rimuru, Rimuru has no problem, but for perugius she has to answer the question of what a king is.

At this time in the laboratory Rudeus entered and he saw an old man with an old robe, a brain with obvious wrinkles on his face, it can be seen that the old man has undergone many fierce battles.

Old man: I succeeded.

But when he touched his belly, the old man spoke again.

Old man: No, how can I succeed, I failed.

Then the old man used some magic to close the door.

Old man: Don't go down to the basement, you're being tricked by Hitogami.

Rudeus: Who are you?.

Old man: I am....

The name the old man said was Rudeus name in his previous life, Rudeus froze in front of the name.

Old man: I am you in about 50 years.

Old man: Don't go down to the basement, you are tricked by Hitogami, there is a rat with magic stone disease down there, when you go downstairs it will run to the kitchen and eat leftovers, Roxy will go to the kitchen when hungry and eat the leftovers and get the rat's disease. That disease was only possible when there was another life inside, in other words Roxy was pregnant right now. As a result, Roxy lost her life.

Rudeus was extremely surprised by the old man's words.

The old man then continued to tell Rudeus about how after Roxy's death, he would no longer pay attention to sylphy, as a result of her being hurt and go with Luke and Ariel. But because she did not receive the support of perugius, Ariel failed, but she still stood the coup and as a result both Ariel, Luke and Sylphy died.

Then the old man advised Rudeus to write a letter to Eris and accept her, Rudeus didn't want to at first but after hearing his future self, he agreed.

Old man: I was able to control gravity, communicate atrial fibrillation from a distance, even recreate a hand, but it was too late.

Rudeus: what about Rimuru onii chan, isn't he super strong, even stronger than Orsted.

Hearing this the future Rudeus was surprised because as far as he knew he didn't have a brother in this world.

Old man: I did not have a brother.

This took Rudeus by surprise.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

Paul: Rudeus are you okay?.

Rudeus: I am okay.

Hearing this, the old Rudeus was shocked, knowing that his father was still alive.

Old man: Paul is still alive? ( cry).

Rudeus: That's right. And rimuru-onii chan saved mother from that maze.

Old man: listen, I don't know who Rimuru is but if he's your brother and stronger than Orsted then you should ask him.

Rudeus just nodded in agreement.

Then the old man gave him a notebook, which was a record of the future. And Rudeus noticed that the old man was dead, although teleported to the past, only the old man's body was transported.

He took it and left the room, the first thing he did was kill the rat and forbid Roxy from going down to the kitchen. He also discussed with his brother and Rimuru told him to meet Orsted, Rimuru would ask Nanahoshi to tell Orsted's location.

Rudeus thought she wouldn't say it, but when Rimuru asked, Nanahoshi contacted Orsted and said that Rudeus wanted to meet to discuss.

Orsted agreed.

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