Shit, maybe i miss you

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The stress I had probably experienced in recent weeks, the lack of sleep and the fact that I had drunk and eaten too little today were now playing together. So I sat there, girls around me trying to help me get on my feet while my body just wanted to rest. I was mad at myself that I hadn't listened to the signs. the hidden signals such as the constant headache. I got a water bottle, from which direction I don't know anymore. A strong sip and to the left and right of me stood two men who pulled me up. "Thank you" I murmured and drank something. I felt much better and I assured everyone that I would be more careful. Some time had passed, I grabbed my cell phone and wrote Steve a short message that I was in the venue now. Shortly afterwards, I was actually in and went to my intended place. Second row. Not bad for the fact that I was only here shortly after admission. Everyone muttered and had found their group. I was alone for myself, just as it was in my everyday life. Many people around me and yet you are alone. I looked at the stage, many things were still covered with a large cloth, a small set was set up, I guess for the other band. Time literally ran at that moment, because suddenly it started. Harry's band entered the stage, I had become deaf in those seconds as all the girls around me screamed in my ear. Well, even if Harry talked to me, I wouldn't be able to hear him now. Then it was time, Harry approached his microphone, played the first notes of his song and I was trapped in my dream. I looked at him and this tingling in my stomach was stronger than before. Of course, I tried my best and learned his lyrics and could now also sing along. I got goosebumps, the mood was awesome, everyone sang along and I was overwhelmed. After his first song, he started chatting with the audience. He read a few signs and held a little small talk with some, it didn't take long and he sang again. I was captivated by his voice. His appearance had not changed in all these years, he was still the funny, charming, brown-haired curly head. Just as I remembered him. The only thing that Changed was his tattoos. I could hardly keep my eyes off him and it already felt like i was crazy. Then he stepped on the front of the stage edge and sat down. I swallowed and had hope that he would see me. I looked at him directly, his gaze wandered through the first rows, he smiled full of pride and then his gaze got stuck on me. We looked each other directly in the eyes and it felt like an eternity. I smiled, I couldn't do more at this moment. Did he recognise me? I was pretty sure. He waved at me and laughed briefly before he stood up and continued his show. Okay, wow, but...what should I do now? Still, the question in my head was how to talk to him. I enjoyed the rest of the show and our eyes met again and again, in any case I am sure that I was meant. When everything was over, many people left the stadium directly they probably had the hope of meeting Harry at the back entrance. I have to admit that I also had this idea, but how likely was it that it would really happen? Actually equal to 0 and so I spent the evening alone on a small bench in front of the stadium. My only companion? A cigarette I had borrowed from some people. I wasn't ready to go home yet, back to this normal life. The life that kept me so much captive.

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