We're not who we used to be

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Harry apologised and went over to the rest of his family. Gemma hooked up with me and took me with her towards the Hollywood swing. We both had a glass of wine in our hands and sat down comfortably. "So, tell me, how are you?" She said and smiled at me. "I'm fine" I smiled, but Gemma was the only one who knew me long enough to know that I wasn't telling the truth right now. She looked at me and probably expected a reasonable answer "I can explain it to you later, but I think it's just unfavourable now" I took a large sip of wine and now we sat quietly next to her, once again this silence. Gemma also took a sip and we just enjoyed each other's company for a short time. Steve understood himself magnificently with everyone and I was just happy for that moment. I sat there, had all the people around me that I loved and a good wine in my hand. I looked around, everyone laughed and just had fun. I apologised to Gemma and got up, I still knew my way around this house, I went up the big stairs and looked for the bathroom. Left, and then the last door on the right. I was sure it was like that, so I went to the left and looked for the last door. And I was right, I opened the door and stood in the small cosy bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath, I tried to process what was happening. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Harry stared at me. "Sorry," he said and closed the door again. I had to smile briefly when Harry closed the door ashamed. I stood in front of the mirror for a few seconds until I decided to go down again. So I stormed out of the bathroom and ran directly into Harry's arms, I looked up at him, this so familiar tingling was back. I didn't really want to get out of his arms and yet it was wrong to stand here like this. I looked away smiling, Harry knew exactly what he was triggering in me and he also knew that it was not right. We were both in a relationship and it would be unfair to our partners. "I'll go" smiled and pushed me a bit out of his arms. "all right" he nodded and went to the bathroom. I looked after him, a little sigh escaped me and I looked around. The pictures in my head were suddenly real again, we had sneaked out here in the evening to sit secretly by the lake. How we sat outside with Gemma for hours to just talk. Is Harry doing the same way? Is he thinking about that ? I briefly thought about going to his old room. I still knew exactly where it was, I opened one of the doors and stood in probably the most typical boys room that existed on this earth. Everything was like back then, all the pictures on the wall, the guitar in the corner and the many pillows on the bed, because otherwise I couldn't sleep here. I smiled and looked at Harry's old desk. There was still a picture of the two of us, what my mother had taken. Just him and i, arm in arm at a garden party of my parents. Besides, a small box, I was so curious and really wanted to look inside. So I slowly grabbed the little black box when I heard the door knob. Harry probably also wanted to see if something had changed, he came into the room and looked at me directly. I leaned loosely on my hand and tried not to look too conspicuous. We stood directly opposite each other, Harry also looked at the small box, he knew exactly how curious I was and his gaze fell on my hand. I looked him straight in the eye, when his gaze also hit mine. None of us said a word, it was nice to be close to him. As if it had never been different. Harry came closer to me, this forbidden one attracted us both, we both wanted it very much, I was sure. Harry looked at my lips and then at my eyes again. I was ready to risk everything for this man. I briefly loosened my gaze on his hands, which had now tightly enclosed mine. "Everything as before" he smiled, loosened his hands, left the room and closed the door behind him. I let myself fall on his bed, put a hand on my heart and felt it almost jump out of my chest. It was really everything as it used to be...

 It was really everything as it used to be

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