You just got to say the word

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I closed my eyes for a few more seconds and enjoyed this moment to the fullest, then I broke away from Harry's arms and sat up. I drove through my long brown hair and tied it together into a braid. I turned to Harry, who looked at me dreamily. "No one should ever know this! Okey?!" I looked at Harry urgically, I was serious. No one should know about this! Not even Gemma. Harry nodded and sat up as well, I still examined his upper body freely. "Mr. Styles, you should urgently wear something!" I laughed and threw a shirt at him. „Otherwise, what?" Harry grinned at me, he knew how he worked on me, then as now. "Otherwise you catch a cold" I smiled and grabbed my clothes. I undressed in front of him and could feel exactly how his eyes lay on me all the time. It would have been too noticeable to go home in his clothes, mine were dry again so I put them back on. I went to the door and opened it, then I stopped for a moment. "Thank was nice," I said embarrassedly "and I love you too, by the way..." I added and then disappeared from the room, I closed the door behind me, smiling and stayed there for a moment. It was so crazy, I fell in love with him again. I could hear Harry falling back into his bed. I quickly grabbed my shoes and stomped down the stairs. Then I ran through the rain and drove home. When I drove to our house , I quickly had to hide my joy again. I went to our back door and entered the house through the kitchen. Steve sat at the counter and ate. I hugged him briefly and then disappeared upstairs to put on something new. When I looked out, the sky cleared up and the sun came out. So I grabbed my camera and disappeared outside to be alone and review last night. I was travelling all day and found myself in a small park even then. It was dreamlike. I knew this park. I used to be here often. Danced through the large pavilions, another great passion of mine. My cell phone was buzzing in my pocket and I knew exactly who the message was from. I unlocked my cell phone and a message from Harry popped up. „Hey em, it was incredibly beautiful yesterday! I hope that we can both spend more time together soon. I miss you!" I smiled. Suddenly another message came from him, "I'll fly again in three days, maybe we can see each other again beforehand?" And then again that pain that he would go. I answered him with a "i would love that ❤️" and put my cell phone in my pocket. I was the happiest woman in the world at one moment, only to be brought back to the ground in the next. The days passed and we decided to organise a party with us the day before Harry's departure. Friends and family were there, Harry, Gemma, Anne and my parents. Simply everyone. Music played and the weather was great. Simply a perfect day! Everyone had fun and the food was awesome! Harry, Gemma and I were inseparable and spent the whole afternoon together. Anne took some new photos of us, the last ones were already a while ago. Harry and I looked at each other again and again, we both had to think back to the night and how beautiful it was. We had a small dance floor that Gemma and I of course fully utilised. When the next song came, Harry held his hand towards me and asked me to dance. It played "Papier rings, by Taylor Swift" and we danced, Harry and I used to take a dance class but I didn't know he was in such a good mood. I obviously had fun and couldn't get out of laughter. In the corner of my eye I saw steve closely watching us, we sang and just kept dancing. The text was simply fitting, the dance floor was filled and we just had a great time together. As the song slowly ended, Harry took me in his arms and thanked me. Steve approached me quickly and took my hand, "may I?" He looked at Harry questioningly, who stepped back a piece and nodded "of course" he smiled and left the dance floor. Steve was absolutely not a dancer and had never tried to dance with me. The song was slow and so thank God it was not very difficult to lead. I looked at Harry, who cheered at me and I smiled at him. Our dance was a bit bumpy but Steve really tried hard. Everyone gathered around us and when the song ended, Steve fell to his knees and pulled a small box out of his pocket.

 Everyone gathered around us and when the song ended, Steve fell to his knees and pulled a small box out of his pocket

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