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I didn't realise anything about all the hustle and bustle around us. Especially what was going on outside didn't matter in here. When Harry was finished, he jumped off the stage and approached me. "And? How was I?" He asked and spread out his arms. "Amazing as always!" I laughed and hugged him, like we were an old couple. Harry looked at the clock, it was still an hour until the entrance and so it was time for Harry to prepare for his show. We went backstage together for catering to meet the rest of the band and eat something with them. Harry and the rest, were very good friends and it was nice to see how much they enjoyed the whole thing here. It used to be unimaginable for me to travel the world and hardly be at home, but now. Now I couldn't think of anything nicer than flying around the globe with this bunch of chaots! I was thinking for a moment and stared holes in the air as Harry pinched me to bring me back to reality. "Sorry" I said embarrassed and grabbed something Form the buffet, finally I had gained a little weight again and felt more comfortable in my body. Harry was a support for me and always tried to remind me of eating or drinking. The simplest things. Time passed quickly through our conversation and so a short time later we could hear screaming from the hall. So it was time for admission and it also became hectic behind the stage. Everyone ran around and had something to do. "I walk to the bus again and change my clothes," I said and said goodbye to everyone. Quick step, I went to the bus and picked out an outfit. A short panic spread within me, what do I wear? I chose Harry's white shirt and matching white jeans. Chic but still casual. I refreshed my makeup, pulled my black sneakers, cursing all the time how little space was on this bus and then ran backstage quickly. Actually, I wanted to wish Harry a lot of fun quickly, but finding someone in this hustle and bustle is really hard. So I briefly wandered backstage until Sarah brought me to him. „Have fun styles!" I smiled and kissed him before someone from security took me to my place. I had a great view and was not far from the stage. Of course, I heard the fuss around me and realised how many people took photos of me, but I didn't let myself be fooled by that.

 Of course, I heard the fuss around me and realised how many people took photos of me, but I didn't let myself be fooled by that

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