Chapter 79

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Hey guys! Here's another chapter, a short one! I hope y'all enjoy this one! I also wanted to say that each and every one of you, each of you lovely Readers of mine, are so so SO appreciated! I love every single one of you! Cheers to you, my Readers! To that degree, the song above is Pretty Shining People by George Ezra!





Izuku counted the clock's rhythmic tune as his eyes locked onto the sky, mind replaying the event that happened mere hours ago; hundreds of streaks entered the sky, blazing like shooting stars as they rose and Izuku knew what they were.

What was happening...

His practical mind, one that was borne out of desperation and need during his vigilante era, screamed out, seeing a massive weapon against All for One vanish into the void of space, never to be seen again. But his emotional side, one that was borne out of love and care, saw this as a relief, the world wouldn't be completely destroyed by fire of untold heat and deadliness.

His family wouldn't be part of the ash that covered the tome Earth would become if those weapons were fired.

And yet, Izuku knew that his chances of winning against All for One was at the bottom of the barrel; he had no army, no support, nothing but the clothes on his back and a ruin of the mighty Tartarus as a home.

How grim the future looked.


Standing up, Izuku cracked his neck. He had no time to wallow in his self pity, his depression; he had to look beyond himself and to do that he had to stop looking solely at Japan, and instead the world entirely.

In his panic, in his fear and misery, he hadn't considered support from beyond the boundaries of Japan, and yet, it would help immensely if he could get the world behind him, if he could get support from the other heroes around the world, if he could corner All for One in Japan.


Izuku knew what All for One wanted; he knew that creature wanted to be the 'Demon King', to rule over the world, and to have One for All back.

One of which he has, One for All, and if Izuku could get the remaining countries to rally behind him, he could lure All for One into a trap far better than the first one that the heroes of Japan had created.

After that, he'd have All for One right in his crosshairs...

"Can you finish it, Ninth?" First asks calmly.

Could he? Could he kill All for One? His soul, his spirit rejects the idea. Even if the man was a monster of Lovecraftian dreams, Izuku couldn't kill him. And yet, killing the man would put an end to the suffering of millions, perhaps billions, of people who would suffer under him, who have suffered under him.

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