Chapter 46

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Hello there! Ooh! I loved writing this chapter! I hope y'all enjoy it! Plus, this song fits the chapter, it's "You Say Run" by Caleb Hyles and +80 people! Also! Thanks for the votes, comments and views people, I love each and every one of them! And here's my Discord Server if y'all wanna join:

Screams reverberated through the city as smoke and dust bellowed high into the sky, blocking the once crystal blue sky. Shockwaves rippled, fire and ash blew away from the epicentre, the ground zero of where a Champion and a Monster made from chaos and death fought.

Houses and building collapsed from the sheer pressure of the fight, an entire skyscraper obliterated by the fight and flames lit up, lashing out like the Kraken, cars overturned and crushed, wounded heroes surround the area; it was a warzone. People ran and trampled to escape the warzone, police and fire engine sirens blared as the city was evacuated, complete devastation behind them.

Helicopters circled around the area, cameras pointed at the battle and the eyes of the world watched in both horror and despair as the fight draws out. They watched as the newswomen spoke desperately, conveying the utter disparity that they faced the battle staggered forward, the perceived collapse of society that one Izuku Midoriya predicted.

Dozens of low-end Nomus ran throughout the city, destroying anything in their path, distracting the heroes and injuring civilians fleeing the battlefield; the heroes could barely hold them off, it proved Izuku's point, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Without All Might, heroes and Society in general will fall, it will collapse with the sudden surge of villains that cannot be fought off by the unprepared and slacking heroes.

Villains were getting stronger, lurking in the dark abyss of the criminal underworld, preparing and joining organisations that hold the most sway within the underbelly of society. It was the opposite of what it was supposed to be, the Heroes were supposed to be strong, pillars of courage, but they were weak, they were unprepared to face larger threats such as the growing League of Villains and the resurgence of the Meta Liberation Front.

A jet of light pierces the sky, flying higher and higher before detonating in a blaze of fire and light like that of a Super Nova exploding. A smoking object thunders towards the ground, onyx black smoke waving off its form as it crashes against the ground in an eruption of emerald flames. The world held its breath, waiting for the flames to die, to see what became of the Champion fighting; the flames vanished and...

Hours before...

Izuku was exhausted. His body was devoid of any energy, wishing desperately for a coffee or energy drink. His energy was sapped by his speech at the Hero Billboard and really, Public speaking is one thing, but announcing that the society that everyone lives in now will crumble because they depended too much on one man who everyone looked up to, that's something else. He bets his life that his unofficial ranking of the Number Nine hero will be all but deleted, his approval ratings to dropping to Endeavour levels, and that is something you don't want on your resume.

Glares, stares and the like follow the green haired giant as he walks away from the stadium, his cane clicking rapidly as he powerwalks to find the nearest but best coffee shop. Caffeine would do to make him forget about his major screw-up, or maybe he could sneak into Shouta's not so hidden stash; he had nicknamed the stash 'Dead-Killer' to best describe the horrors within that stash...

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