Chapter 8

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Boop! I am here with another chapter! For those who don't know, this Fanfic can be found over at Archive of Our Own under the same name! I will be adding chapters on here daily until I have caught up to the Fic! Enjoy!

Shouta watched over his newly adopted son. His son. He never thought ever in his life he would have a son, or even a husband until Hizashi crashed into his life during his second year of U.A, but here he is now, a Husband and now a son. He watched his son sleep soundly in the infirmary, after being thoroughly scolded by Chiyo for startling the poor boy as soon as he had woken up, with paper work to complete to put the whole USJ Incident behind them in front of him, but Shouta had no energy in completing the sheets, more content in watching over his Problem Child like an eagle. It shouldn't be too long now until Izuku wakes up, he had only feinted from shock according to Chiyo, and Shouta couldn't wait for it as the boy was now part of the Aizawa-Yamada family now, he can choose to take the surname or leave his own surname. Izuku Aizawa-Yamada. That has a nice ring to it, Shouta thinks, stepping into his neon yellow sleeping bag to get a juice pack.

Meanwhile, in a dark, run down bar, a silver haired man smashed and disintegrated everything he touched in a childish tantrum as he shouted,

"THAT DAMN NPC! HE RUINED EVERYTHING!" He snarled, turning another glass to dust, much to the chagrin of the mist man looking after the bar, "WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! DESTROYING OUR NOMU LIKE THAT! I'LL KILL HIM! TURN HIM TO ASH!" He breathed heavily, as he felt his lips become cracked and dry from overuse of his quirk, feeling blood start leaking from the cracks. Finished, the man sat down as another spoke up,

"Tomura Shigaraki, calm yourself, we will have another chance to crush All Might as you said." A deep, gravelly voice came from the black screen that said audio only as it spoke again, "Your chance will come. You are my successor, you will be the new leader of the League. Come now, tell me of the one who defeated Nomu." The voice from the screen radiated authority and power, Shigaraki replied,

"That old vigilante the one that vanished, Crimson Blaze, he was there with Eraser Head, both decimated the cannon fodder, then Blaze cut down Nomu with a blade of fire saying something like, 'all regeneration quirks have a weakness, cells that are carbonized don't regenerate' as he sliced the Nomu down." A hum of interest came from the screen, he knew all the Nomu's he made had weaknesses, no matter what he did there will always be a weakness, as a wise scientist once said, 'for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction' The universe balances itself, no one can stop that. He just had to keep the balance in his favour, not the heroes or the other villain organisations, only his.

Over in Japan, another group of villains gather, the Scarlet Wyverns, lead by their leader, Red Vermillion and his wife Heartbreak. Ruthless and coldblooded, the clan they lead rule with fear, no one dared go against them lest they lose their hearts or have their skin charred black. Both leaders stand in the war room, all occupants looking expectantly at their leaders, as Vermillion rough voice breaks thorough the silence,

"How goes the expansion to Musutafu? Our influence must spread in order to gain control over the underworld! We will be the leading organisation of villains, and we will tear Japan apart!" Cheers echo the room, the goal clear, but one bold general asks,

"What about your Heir? Have you gained one?" No one dared respond, clear animosity radiating from Heartbreak, who pulls the general towards her,

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