Chapter 40

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Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! It's might make you cry at the end; who knows? Also enjoy the song above, i think it fits well with this chapter! It's High Hopes covered by Caleb Hyles!


One word but holds the power to change to world, to inspire. Hope goes beyond quirks, it was omnipotent, it was an innate instinct that humanity has; to learn, to complete our goals. Without Hope, a person is lost, alone and fearful, stuck in the void of despair and encased in the chains of pain.


Wide crimson eyes teared up as a storm of lightning approached her, she had grasped tight onto Lemillion's tattered cape, a thin hope held in her heart to be saved. Unnoticed by everyone, Eri's horn had grown larger, it reached just past her hair line, sharp as a knife with small yellow stars flowing like a stream off it.

Rewind had activated.

One simple touch was all it took for Eri to rip apart Overhaul from his lackey, the red cape in hand giving her the needed courage to hop off, right into the arms of her saviour. The boy gave her the brightest smile she's ever seen, his emerald eyes glowing a near unearthly glow. Eri in his arms, Nova Blaze glared at Overhaul, who shouted threats and with his palm on the pillar, it shattered and reformed into tentacles heading to Nova too fast for him to counter properly.

Erratically, more lightning arched of his form as Nova blitzed past his limit, pushing himself to 100%, the power behind it sending huge shockwaves out as the entire area around was destroyed. In the confusion, he dropped Amaterasu to the ground, his entire focus on keeping the small child in his arms safe from any harm. Pain pulsed through Nova's system as his bones, muscles and joints shattered under the extreme pressure of One for All, he grimaced but pushed a smile on his face, giving comfort to Eri.

Down within the whole, Overhaul stood, his arm broken and disfigured, his mask splintered as blood dripped to the ground. All the villain did was calmly look at the sky, his unbroken arm lifting to the broken one, quirk activated; it looked like a video game glitch as his arm reassembled itself, as a cold voice spoke aloud from the plague mask;

"Eri. I need you."

Stumbling over to a pile of rubble, Overhaul destroyed it revealing the villain taken down by Ryukyu and her interns, and both his hands touched the downed villain. He evaporated in a puff of red as Overhaul absorbed the man's power, his physical form mutating and evolving; growing larger in size, strength and power as his new body grew to double, near triple the size of Ryukyu in her dragon form. Furious bellows came from the creature as it climbed out of the hole, its muscles bulging as it moved.

It looked as if the gates of hell had been opened, and a creature from the darkest of its depth had crawled out...

Weakly, Uravity went to move, to help her best friend, only to be stopped by Sir Nighteye; the man couldn't be evacuated after Overhaul destroyed all the exits. Sir looked afraid, as he told Uravity of the future he saw;

"Don't. I've seen what happens. Overhaul chases both Nova Blaze and Eri to the surface. He'll murder Blaze and steal Eri. He'll escape before we capture him. That is the unchanged, immutable future I saw..." Holding back her puke, Uravity activated her quirk, telling Sir Nighteye;

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