A Philospher Once Said

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Yukishows >:)

Kakashi's p.o.v

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Nietzsche

I lay in my bed as thoughts swirl around uncontrolably. My hands lay forgotten at my side as my eye focus and unfocus.

"The love of my life is dead." I murmer to myself once again.

It's felt like an eternity. I haven't moved since I got the news. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I just lay here, like a corpse that's still alive.

I'm like a ghost trapped in a dead, cold body. It's cold in here, but I can't be bothered to move and get a blanket. I move my eyes over to look at what's going on outside my window.

It's winter now, and the snow is falling gracefully and steadily. I've never been much of a fan of winter. It's always utterly distugusted me.

Now it reminds me of him... I would always miss him, yet now I know I don't have to worry as much. He's in a better place now.

I once thought that my life would be over if I lost him. Then I thought I was crazy. I'm slowly forgetting, though. I can't remember his name anymore.

Just his face, and even that is fading quickly. I can't remember who killed him or why, I just know it was a murder. I can't remember anything more than that.

I hear a knock at the door and I force my body up for the first time in awhile. I slowly walk to the door, getting used to being back on my feet. I open the door.

Obito is standing there. I almost close the door and then I see his hands. Still partly stained red.

I see his hands, and sudddenly am aware of everything.
Hello my Gays, Straights, and whatever else you guys are,

I know this is short but this is just a quick revenge for Yuki's last chapter. Also if you don't get it I think you will if you think a little bit harder and look for context clues. It's pretty easy to get.

I can also do a part 2 if I have to <3


❤︎Word count: 376 words


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