Chapter 16

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Rayne woke up feeling like she had been hit with a hammer across her skull. It took her several moments to acclimate her eyes to the dark in the room. She scanned the room for clues to where she was. She couldn't see anything, just hazy shapes in the dark. "Liam, are you there? Can you hear me?" she called out. Rayne tried to move but found one leg bound with a silvery chain.

"He isn't here, and he can't hear you," a voice said from the shadows. "Don't be afraid, he is unharmed." A woman wearing a long black dress stepped forward. Rayne couldn't make out her face in the darkness. "You will be given food and clean clothes, then we shall talk." With that, the woman turned and left.

The room lit up just a bit and several creatures entered the room. She recognized them immediately. They were Tuatha de Danann - elven fae. They quickly cleaned up the room and placed a bountiful meal at her table. The older woman from before was there and addressed her, "Rayne of the Raven clan, I bid you greetings. Your bondage is enchanted. The chain will move with you throughout the room, but will not permit you to leave your chambers. You may travel within these three rooms as you wish. The privy is off to your left, and the library to your right. The Lady of the House has given you a scrying globe to check in on your lover. He can neither see nor hear you. However, you are permitted to write him a letter, if you wish to ease his worries." She handed Rayne a paper and quill. "Our Lady will speak with you again after dinner." The old woman clapped her hands, and all the attendants quickly left the room.

Rayne sat before the food, trying to absorb all she had just been told. She quickly got up and tested the chain. Just as the woman had said, it grew in length just enough to allow her to travel in the approved areas. However, when she tried to step through the same doors the Fae had left by, the chain pulled her back to the center of the room. Determined to escape, she attempted to leave four times, each time ending in the same result.

She suddenly remembered the scrying globe in the library and raced towards it. She spoke softly to the stone, begging to see Liam, but nothing appeared. Finally, she asked to see Loki, and a swirl of green mist cleared to show Loki/Liam in a simple cell with a bed and sink. He too was bound with a silver chain. He paced the floor frantically, calling out, but she couldn't hear what he was saying. He looked as if he had been crying, and his knuckles were bloodied from trying to break the door. Rayne's heart broke at the sight of him. She longed to touch his cheek and tell him she was safe. She began thinking about all the things she wanted to say to him. As she began, she noticed the quill writing in the air. "Of course it's enchanted," she said out loud. She quickly formed the letter in her mind,


I do not know where we are and why they have separated us, but please know I am safe. I have not left you by choice. I love you, Liam. I've been given a scrying globe to see you, but I cannot hear through it. Please know I am watching over you.

Oh, and so you know this is really me, I would love the chance to um, overfill that bathtub again.

All my love forever,


When she mentally signed the letter, it rolled itself up and vanished. She quickly looked at the globe again. Just as she expected, the letter appeared mid-air and fell into Liam's hands. He looked around confused and cautiously opened it. Tears filled his eyes, he laughed slightly, and he looked around the room not knowing where she could see him from, but she saw his lips moving, mouthing the words, I love you. Tears rolled down her face as the orb went dark. Rayne went back to the table, but couldn't bring herself to eat. She just wanted answers, and she wanted Liam. She sat there watching the sun sink lower in the sky, knowing the Lady would return soon. Maybe this time she could get some answers.

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