Special: Leo's Private Journal Entry#4

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Hi, Leo wrote this around the time of Carmin Birthday.

December 2020

Her birthday was strange from the start.

She acted as she usually did, but I could tell there was something off. I had caught Carmin staring at her fingers, or at the wall so many times that day. It was like she was there, but not mentally there.

I asked her about it, but she just showed me that pretty smile of hers and shrugged me off.

I hate myself for not knowing it was her birthday. Hell, she didn't even know it was her birthday. That little girl is always so aloof.So, I had to postpone our plans for an entire week.

It all started at the mall really, I saw the most amazing dress at this boutique. I don't know a lot about clothes to begin with, but I thought it would look brilliant on Carmin.

From there, the idea of the symphony sprung in my head. She likes to listen to Mozart, and orchestrated movie soundtracks. So I thought she'd enjoy the symphony.

Kalina's mother owns the symphony downtown, so it was easy enough to book the place. I made sure to get it for an entire Saturday night.Originally, I wanted to book it for the day after Carmin's birthday, but we had school that day. Not to mention finals.

This would be her sweet surprise after a week of hell.

On her actual birthday I gave her the tickets and the dress. I'll never forget that look of surprise she had on her face. She looked shocked, and I was quick to interpret that as a look of dislike.

Before I could have a panic attack, she told me that she had been saving for tickets to the symphony for months.

I felt so in sync with her. I know my sweet girl.

Then she hugged me. She initiated the hug. She's still shy about us being affectionate sometimes, so I was a little surprised when she did so. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

The day started off great, but then her brother showed up.It didn't take long after that for Carmin to start crying, hell they both were! I wanted to scream her brother's fucking head off for making her upset on her special day and that was exactly what I gonna do before Ryu told me....

Carmin shares a birthday with her mother.

My sweet girl was hurting all day.

Her brother whisked her away, but I made sure to go back to Nic's house, so I could tell her goodnight.

My Piccolina was on the blanket, and her face was stained with tears. I couldn't stand it. She looked so upset, and there was nothing I could do about it. I promised her I would stay with her until she went back to sleep.

As soon as she felt limp I told her I loved her. I'm too much of a coward to do it while she's awake. I'm too afraid of what she'll say. I'm too afraid of what she'll do.

This was easier.

I kept my car parked out front. I was....maybe waiting for everyone to go to sleep, so I could sneak back in her room.

Just when I was about to climb into her window, the front door opened. Carmin was leaving, with a pair of keys in her hands.

I didn't even know she could drive....

I followed after the car. I did feel kind of creepy, but I had to make sure she was safe.

We ended up at a graveyard. She walked up to a tombstone, and she sat there. She started talking....

It was a private conversation, so I kept my distance.

I couldn't hear her, but I could see her smiling. After a while, she kissed the tombstone, and laid against the ground.

That's when I got worried. It was already really cold outside, and I didn't want her to be sore after lying on the hard ground. So I walked up to the tombstone.

She nearly lost her shit when she saw me, I could tell. At that moment, I won't deny it, I felt like a stalker.

That night, I was lucky enough to meet Carmin's mother, and to let her know, that I'd be there to look after her.

My sweet girl cried after that.

Next Saturday was the day. I made sure everything was in order. I visited the symphony, I found the restaurant, I got my own damn outfit together, I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

I arrived at her front door exactly at seven.

No one...No one could wear the dress better. She looked beautiful, my girl is always beautiful.

I kept glancing at her, the whole drive there. I couldn't help it.

When we finally arrived she was so confused that there was no one there. Of course I wouldn't tell her why, so I just kept changing the subject.

I just pulled her along, and we took our seats. Her eyes lit up.

She couldn't stop smiling.It was surreal really. I had never seen her smile for so long.

I can't believe we danced. I want to do it over and over again.

She was laughing...she was having a good time. I think it was the best birthday I've ever had, and it wasn't even my birthday!

She is so contagious, everything about her.

I asked her out for dinner. I was gonna get the restaurant cleared out as well for the night, but I think Carmin would have lost her mind at that point. So I just settled for a dimly populated place.

It was a good night, a great night. I just wish I could've taken her home.

When we got to her house, we kissed. I kissed her probably more than I should have. The longer we kiss, the more I want to kiss. I held her so close, I didn't even want to let her out of my car.

My lips wouldn't leave her. After we finally finished,I asked her not to let anyone else kiss her like that.

I want to be the only one. I want to be her everything.

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