Destruction-- Attack of the Atlantean Empire

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Destruction-- Attack of the Atlantean Empire

Author: Aisin


At the beginning of the 22nd century, human civilization entered its heyday. From the mechanization revolution 230 years ago, to the artificial intelligence revolution 130 years ago, to the network revolution 90 years ago, until the solar system revolution 50 years ago, one knowledge explosion after another, 300 years of accumulation, made human gradually see the arrival of the pinnacle of a civilization.

However, the rules of the universe are impermanent, and catastrophes have left Earth civilization in shock.

The powerful invader, the Atlantean Empire, broke into the solar system with a civilization one level ahead of mankind, and mankind resisted to the death.

Survival or destruction?

In the decades of war that followed, the human race was constantly attacked by mechanical, mental and biological civilizations.

In the midst of the human race's escape, the first space, the second space, and the third space appeared in front of the human race.

Can the human race be reborn in the midst of destruction?

Let us look forward to ......

Invasion Chapter 1 Alien Fleet

In 2106, nearly 5,000 years of human civilization history finally came to harvest season, humans, the only civilized creature on Earth changed the rules of the entire world, after only 50 years of the solar system revolution, the pace of humans has swept all regions of the solar system, the nine planets of the solar system, all of them became manned planets, even the most remote Pluto, also established outposts to become human Breakthrough of the solar system springboard.

However, the conventional way of navigation is far from helping people to enter the galaxy, alone across the solar system will take humans half a year, those distant stars are still out of reach. So, moving at FTL was born, and in just five years, the clever and diligent humans have completed all the theoretical and material preparations for FTL flight, and unmanned spaceship experiments have entered the schedule.

Unfortunately, the universe has her own schedule, and mankind has conquered the solar system, but far from the universe.

On June 17, in Pluto's only manned base, the duty crew monitored the instruments as usual, and hundreds of circum-solar exploration satellites could already be called planets.

"Scout 007: Unidentified flying object, number 100,000, speed 12 times the speed of light, decreasing speed, approaching the solar system", the unchanging electronic synthesized voice issued the most common report, however, ten minutes later, humanity realized that this was the most shocking report in the history of Earth civilization.

"Damn, according to the orientation, this group of things should have passed through the detection range of Scout 018 first!" The duty officer switched the data, "It's not a virus, is it?"

"Message access, switch to image form."

"Oh my God! What is this?" All the officers present were dumbfounded, and a cry of alarm was followed by dead silence

The big screen showed an infinite variety of ships, huge hulls, thick armor, unparalleled huge guns, all kinds of small space machines shuttling between them, colorful lights flashing.

"Activate all nearby satellites and monitor these unidentified ships, they must be warships." After 30 seconds of shock, the commander finally regained his ability to think, "Immediately notify the base commander, Colonel Bill, and report to Jupiter Command, as well as report to Earth Headquarters and the Interstellar Alliance at the next level. "

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