Escape Chapter 4 FTL Space

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 "Coordinates w7246n4533d7289, 4 light years from the solar system, FTL jump complete." The electronic synthesized voice announced that for the first time, human beings on Earth flew beyond the solar system, transcending the limits of space for the first time, becoming wise across the stars, and the "Ark" fleet rejoiced!

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected. The day after completing the FTL jump, the warriors unfortunately discovered that the FTL flight did not allow them to get rid of the First Fleet of the Atlantean Empire

"In the conference room of the Dinosaur, Lieutenant General Huo Xin summoned the commanders to discuss the situation, and the chief expert on the theory of FTL space jumps, Dibit, was present.

No one spoke, everyone looked a little frustrated, even the "Space Eagle" Maguire was not as spontaneous as usual

"Th" Huo Xin mused, turned his head toward Sun Ming and asked, "How do you think the Atlantean Empire tracked our FTL jump?

"I think Mr. Dibbit has to understand a little bit more about FTL jumps" Sun Ming said as he turned to the listed person on the side, "That's why I asked him to come here today. Mr. Dibbitt, can you explain to everyone?"

"Okay," Dibbitt held up his glasses, "the theory of our current FTL jump is this, in our space, the upper limit of the speed of motion of objects is the speed of light, and this is the bottleneck that constrains interstellar navigation. So what happens when there are objects that can actually reach the speed of light? Our first FTL probe discovered the secret that once an object reaches the speed of light, it disappears from our space and enters another space, which we call FTL space."

"The characteristics of FTL space in comparison with our space are: in FTL space, the lower speed limit of the object's motion is the speed of light, and once the speed is below the speed of light, the object will leave FTL space and return to our normal space, while the upper limit of speed does not exist, or there is an upper limit that we do not understand. In addition, the flow of time in FTL space is not the same as our space, when the object is in FTL space, time is stationary relative to it, no matter how long it stays in that space, the point in time when it returns to normal space and the point in time when it disappears from normal space are continuous"

"However, since we are creatures of this space, our sense of time is completely lost in FTL space, causing everyone to leave no impression of that space even after a long FTL space flight, which is the latest conclusion reached after the successful completion of this manned jump." Dibit introduced.

"So do we have a way to control FTL space? For example, how did our ship finish accelerating and how do we control the destination of the space jump?" Huo Xin asked.

"Fortunately, although FTL space is parallel to our space, but there is no object exists, is completely empty space. This makes it impossible for the ship to crash in that space, so we can feel completely comfortable letting the computer control everything."

"So, back to the original question, in your knowledge, there is a way to track the FTL jump objects," Huo Xin then asked.

"Of course, our space monitor can observe the fluctuations generated by the space jump, and the same theory, in FTL space, it must be possible to detect this fluctuation with a similar device, and tracking this fluctuation will be able to find the trajectory of the space jump object. Of course, with our current level of artificial intelligence, to complete such a complex tracking task may still be a bit difficult, but the Atlantis Empire can design a combat robot close to full consciousness, to do this should be very easy"

"There are ways to counter-reconnaissance?" Huo Xin continued to ask.

"Theoretically there are many ways, but, in reality, the battle in FTL space is a battle of artificial intelligence, in terms of artificial intelligence, the gap between our level and the Atlantean Empire can be said to be the gap between an elementary school student and a doctor, it is impossible for us to do anything on that space to get rid of the tracking." Dibit completely denied Huo Xin's vision.

"Th" Huo Xin pondered thoughtfully, in our space, we can't get rid of the invasion fleet, and in FTL space, we can't get rid of the invasion fleet. So, what about the critical point between the two spaces? Huo Xin's eyes showed a firm gaze, "Mr. Dibit, one last question, if I understand correctly, the Atlantean Empire is tracking us based on the fluctuations we left in FTL space, so does that mean their jump point is exactly the same as ours"

"Yes, generally speaking, using the same jump point is the most convenient method, and the invasion fleet should be using the same point as us" Di Bit finally made a final conclusion.

"All understood" Huo Xin turned to the crowd and asked, "We want to get rid of the Atlantis Empire First Fleet completely"

"Understood," everyone rose to their feet.

"Return to your respective positions and prepare. Major Sun Ming, please calculate the most accurate time to attack based on the space monitor, you and Mr. Dibit will be responsible for planning and commanding this operation."

"Yes, Your Excellency" replied Sun Ming indifferently, got up and walked towards the door, only in the moment of turning his head, an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes. Huo Xin, so quickly found this the only way.

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