Escape Chapter 1: The Imperial Lieutenant General

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 June 17, 2106 A.D. is the date known as the "end of Earth civilization". On this day, humans came into contact with civilized beings for the first time, accompanied by the invasion of a powerful fleet.

The war seemed to happen suddenly, but it ended quickly. In just four days, Earth's combat power was depleted, losing all the fruits of 50 years of development of the solar system and watching tens of thousands of alien ships land on Earth.

The alien fleet brought not only technology beyond the Earth, but also genocide, the battle droids aimed their powerful firepower at civilians, these battle droids are completely emotionless artificial intelligence, so kill people without mercy, in their eyes, fallen only some advanced organic matter

Due to the reluctance to use environmentally destructive super weapons, the alien fleet's massacre was not very efficient, and it is said that after 3 years, there are still a few Earthlings hiding in the mountains. However, on the whole, 2 days after the alien fleet landed on Earth, Earth humans as a carrier of civilization had ceased to exist. Of course, the 120 million Earthlings carried by the Ark fleet are still running around somewhere in the universe.

In retrospect, the initial request of the alien invaders was "you have 20 hours to evacuate", and the Earth humans only withdrew part of it after several struggles. Perhaps, at the outset, the full force of the escape will suffer a little less it. Although the tragic war of defense finally failed, to the heritage of human civilization but left a priceless treasure.

"Your poor command has caused unnecessary losses to the Empire's military," the angry voice of Emperor Alcis of the Atlantean Empire rang out again, and Lieutenant General Eindhoven shook his head helplessly.

"The only intelligent creature in this galaxy, the human beings of Earth, are backward in civilization, still at the stage of development of the star system, and have not mastered space technology at all, which is not worth mentioning, I thought that if I sent an imperial fleet, I would be able to sweep away the resistance, and there is no need for your personal attention, Your Majesty. Io said this about the earthlings.

"Oh, you would be willing to fight for me against these lowly creatures", said the emperor, who obviously liked this argument.

"Oh, I am old, I should not rob the young people of their merits, my disciple Eindhoven is the son of the flying family, he was very good in the previous battles, I ask your Majesty to give him the command of the First Fleet of the Empire, it will be able to capture the galaxy in 7 days"

"Oh Flying Family, very good." The emperor's gaze turned to Eindhoven's face, "Eindhoven, what do you say"

"Your Majesty, I am a warrior of the Holy Atlantean Empire, I request your Majesty to authorize me to send an ultimatum to these lowly creatures, if they withdraw on their own, it will save them the trouble, if they refuse, I will sweep away these trash for your Majesty within 3 days" Eindhoven knew the emperor's heart, victory in battle was not to be considered, what to consider is how to please the emperor.

"Hahahahahaha, the son of the flying family is really bold, you are in charge", the emperor was pleased

After that, things started to go very smoothly, easily capturing all the human colonies, with almost zero casualties in the battle with the Earth fleet.

However, things started to change from the moon, the lowly Earth civilization actually had such a powerful beam cannon that it could be compared to the main Imperial cannon, and the Imperial fleet was actually surrounded by a large number of enemy troops. The powerful detection capability was enough to give Eindhoven enough time to get out of the encirclement, but the final feint of the beam cannon cost him the chance to escape.

Eindhoven sat on his flagship, the Shogun, slowly remembering the battle, a wave of remorse came over him, touching the death mark on his arm, and remembering his Majesty's anger yesterday, thanks to Mr. Aio's guarantee, he was able to take the death mark and the 20 days of life temporarily lent to him, and set out to pursue the fugitives.

"Your Majesty, the civilization embodied by Earth humans is not that bad, they are already at the edge of the space revolution, once they break through the bottleneck, they will soon reach a level of civilization similar to ours. Moreover, according to my review of Earth's history, Earth civilization entered the mechanical age only 230 years in total, and they only entered the stellar system age 50 years ago, but, look at the fact that they have now migrated to the very edge of the stellar system, you know, it took our galactic civilization 700 years from entering the mechanical age to entering the stellar system age, and the bottleneck of the speed of light that took us 100 years to break through, it will probably take them only 50 years. Your Majesty, this is a very formidable enemy!" Bemus, another Marshal of the Empire, spoke to His Majesty.

As a result, the emperor, who had been pondering for a long time, finally gave himself this death mark, asking himself to lead the First Fleet to completely settle the Earthlings' escape fleet within 20 days, which should not be a very difficult task, right? Eindhoven thought so. 

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