Escape Chapter 18: The "Space Eagle" Soars

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Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Guardian, Faye said, "Get me Maguire, I want to talk to him."

"Forget it," Yamamoto said suddenly, "death is a relief for him, he's been waiting for this for a long time."

"What do you mean," Faye asked.

"You may not know, became a space eagle because of a woman, this is a story," Yamamoto said slowly, "Maguire is just a good test pilot, his first partner named Tian Lu, two years older than him, he was very adventurous, always in a lot of trouble, it was Tian Lu to help him. ."

"Maguire was dating a woman older than him," Faye said.

"Yes, and the relationship progressed quickly, probably like a sibling story."

"Later, during a test flight, Maguire made another unplanned risky maneuver, who knew that this time the plane had a serious malfunction, two people ejected from the lifeboat at the last minute, Maguire was injured, seriously, Tian Lu could not wait for the search team, so, risked using a single flight bag."

"Single flight pack, doing a single person flight in space this is too dangerous"

"Yes, indeed dangerous, once encountered floating objects can not avoid or energy depletion, immediately will be killed. Tian Lu found the nearest satellite and destroyed the information transmission system, the search team found the anomaly and rushed to the accident site. However, all that was seen was Maguire, who was seriously injured, and Tian Lu was never found again" Yamamoto's voice was a little different.

"Maguire was in a coma for three days, and the first thing he said when he woke up was: Lulu, let's get married, others told her that Lulu had disappeared, the search team never found her, in space without oxygen, only to determine the death, people did not tell Maguire that Tian Lu left him oxygen. Maguire stopped talking, he began a hunger strike, no one could do anything, later, a good friend of Tian Lu came to see Maguire and said you have no right to die, your life is given by Tian Lu, your back is engraved with the names of the dead, if you die, it will be worth it to die."

"Maguire did not say anything after hearing this, but began to eat, and soon recovered his health completely and started flying again however, the resurrected Maguire changed completely, became lacking in tension and bold, as someone commented, Maguire was a man who begged to die after he got on the plane."

"Maguire finally developed his flying skills, convinced all the ace pilots, and was respected as the space eagle" Yamamoto's voice finally stopped slowly, "the war has come to an end, if not grasp this time, Maguire may still not find a suitable opportunity to release. For him, living is a helpless thing, so Maguire is using his own life, no, for him, it is the life of Tian Lu to wake up these dreamers."

"Shit," Faye cursed, but no more words.

Suddenly, he jerked his head up and said to his adjutant in a decisive voice, "Prepare 500 single flight packs for me"

"What," Yamamoto was taken aback, "what do you want?"

"There," Faye looked at the "dinosaur", "can not let Sun Ming play on, Maguire must be behind the scenes manipulation, otherwise, no one can be so easy to steal the fighter, but also to let the information to hack all the network, Lieutenant General Huo Xin is wrong this time, this man will not bring humanity to prosperity, I have to go save Lieutenant General Huo Xin, the ark must be sat by him"

"Go over with a single flight pack, you're crazy"

"Not crazy, Lieutenant General Huo Xin may not even win him, not to mention you and I. However, his fatal weakness is that he counts too much, he does not understand, people are not machines, not able to calculate and understand." Faye said as he began to gather his old men. The veterans of the original Moonbase 1st Armored Division. "I can't watch Maguire die, even if it was his own will to go. I have to take advantage of the opportunity he's bought us, and if we use a single flight pack, the chances of being spotted while the attention is on Maguire will be minimal."


"You stay and sit on the Guardian, you're not good at ground warfare anyway," Faye didn't give Yamamoto a chance to speak, then waved his newly fitted righteous hand and jumped straight off the command deck, running for the door.

"Lieutenant General Huo Xin, you may have really picked the wrong person" Yamamoto looked at Faye's distant figure and sighed softly

"I have started to enter the atmosphere of the red star, so far everything is normal" Maguire's report was displayed on the Ark fleet's network, and the electronic screen accurately displayed the images captured on the fighter's nose, wings, cabin and pilot's helmet. At this point, for whatever purpose, countless numbers of people were watching. At this point, for whatever reason, countless people were praying for Maguire's safety.

"Entering the low altitude field, I can already see the vegetation on the ground, so far, everything is normal" Maguire then reported

"Oh," said Lacey, "it seems that some people think they can hold power by drifting in the universe, so they don't want everyone to settle down."

"Maguire, there's something wrong with the wing", ignoring Lacey, Sun Ming suddenly shouted, and sure enough, the wing's camera head saw a discolored area of alloy on the side of the fuselage.

"Shh" whistled Maguire, nodded, "rare that you are so attentive," he turned his head, found that the aircraft's shell has appeared discolored patches, and the area is expanding, the image was faithfully transmitted back to the main ship.

"Corrosion, corrosion," a biologist suddenly cried out, "corrosive microorganisms, extremely similar to the mutant bacteria we have cultivated in the laboratory."

"A bit of a gateway indeed" said Maguire, by which time the fuselage shell had begun to peel off, and the transparent cockpit canopy had become blurred, "progressing quite quickly" Maguire's voice was as flat as if he was commenting on the cultivated bacteria

"Maguire, try it maybe you can still fly back." Sun Ming said with some hesitation.

"Oh," Maguire laughed, "the veil of the red star is lifted, the world ruled by terrible microorganisms, any outsiders will be completely removed, we humans can defeat the most massive animals, become the ruler of the creatures, but ran into the tiniest opponents "At this point, all the image messages have successively disappeared, and only Maguire's voice still continues, "The air here is good, and the sky is nice and a little cold."

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