Escape Chapter 14 Coup d'état

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A pale young man with a cold glow showing behind a pair of glasses.

"You are Sun Ming" said Rogers, "How did you get here, how did you get in"

"Let me in," Sun Ming said, surprising Rogers and the others

"What did you say?" The fat guy couldn't believe his ears either

"Your name is Lacey, you are the number two person in the revival party, right?" Sun Ming asked.

"Ah, how do you know?"

Sun Ming didn't answer, but just stared at Rogers with his unique gaze

Rogers slowly calmed down and said, "On what basis did you join the gang?"

"None of you know anything about the military, besides, I can mobilize a group of scientists to join the Baath Party" Sun Ming said indifferently.

Rogers stared at Sun Ming's face and looked down and fell into deep thought again.

Soon, Rogers raised his head, "Why do you"

"I want to prove my ability, Huo Xin is only good at combat, just change the stage, I am better than him"

"En" Rogers grunted, finally asked the most concerned question, "What do you want"

Sun Ming turned to the fat man and said, "You'll be the third."

"Who are you," the fat man shivered with anger.

"Deal," Rogers immediately told Fatty Lacey to shut his mouth.

"Here," Sun Ming threw a messenger on the table, "the civilian areas of the network can be blocked, no exemption password, your information will not be disseminated for 1 minute will be deleted" said, Sun Ming turned towards the door, and walked. "Do it, Huo Xin will not give you too much time"

"How did he get in?" Sun Ming's figure disappeared before Lacey remembered the question she had started.

"The bottle on the table suddenly split in half, Rogers looked at the pieces on the table and suddenly remembered the mysterious organization "Jing Ke".

"They are tyrants, they are dictators, human civilization has reached a critical moment, is it to live with dignity, or to steal life with meanness? Look, my brothers, look what these incompetent warlords have done. I pity the brave men who fought bravely, whose nobility and selflessness will always be admired, but I despise the dictators who returned the power of the people to the people, to the leaders elected by the people." The communications officer watched in amazement at the short video of the speech, which could not be intercepted by any means on the network, and even invaded the main screen of the bridge.

"What's going on," said Faye, who had not yet left the Dinosaur.

"Something's wrong," Huo Xin realized the seriousness of the situation, "a coup, these crazy people."

"Arrest this guy immediately" said Faye.

"No, you immediately return to the Guardian, Yamamoto and you go over together, no matter what, must stabilize the situation now. Most people live in a state of dissatisfaction, and they can not find the object of revenge. This is the time when people are most vulnerable, Faye, you must beware, be calm, the riot is probably inevitable," said Huo Xin, "but pay attention to one thing, no matter what happens, shall not attack civilians, their speech only attack us, the leaders, the worst is that we give up power just, I think, even if we withdraw, the army will have enough influence. But if there is a bloody conflict, the damage will be great, and it will probably lead to confrontation between the army and civilians." Huo Xin admonished.

The worst thing is that we give up power, Sun Ming's eyebrows raised, for a person in power to lose his throne of power, then what is left for him? Huo Xin, what are you thinking about? Are you really not attached to this position at all? Don't give up, I'm still looking forward to a real split with you, how can you give up so easily?

"Th, I understand," Faye and Yamamoto replied in the same voice.

Things developed very quickly, and 20 minutes after Rogers' speech, 400 tech elites, led by Dibit, the chief expert on FTL theory, issued a statement expressing their disappointment with Lt. Gen. Huo Xin and their concern about the military regime in terms of jurisprudence and institutions. They proposed a basic end to the war, the separation of military and administrative power, and the assumption of decision-making power by popularly elected representatives, and finally, the 400 declared their support for the Baath Party and asked to join the group.

Rogers replied at the first opportunity, welcoming them to the Baath Party and all who came to it. Soon after, another group of military personnel responded to his invitation and announced that they would join the Baath Party. With this support, the "revolution" finally broke out, with large crowds of rioters breaking through the civilian areas and entering the Dinosaur's military zone.

"A smaller riot broke out on the Guardian, and Commodore Faye himself stood at the guard gate in the civilian area, ripping the alloy hand from the broken arm and spilling blood on the floor. The subdued bass voice shook the tumultuous crowd. The soldiers accompanying him were all survivors of the battle to defend the moon base, and as they listened to Faye's account, a scene from the past came to their minds.

O brother, get up, the road is still long

O brother, rise up, the stars will guide our way

Get up, brothers, time will cover all our wounds

Rise up, brothers, the blood in your chest will burn like the sun

The song became louder and louder, and other soldiers also put down their weapons, sat down cross-legged, and sang the song together.

Some people in the crowd began to cry, and gradually, the cries began to spread, and some young people put down their slogans and "weapons" and began to sing along with them

Faye stopped talking and just stood there motionless, letting the blood continue to flow. Finally, a girl in the crowd rushed to the front and tore off her lapel to dress Faye, and the rioting crowd finally broke down

"It's not their fault."

"It's not easy for them."

"Many senior generals of the Earth Army were killed in action on the front line, and even this beating Faye didn't break his arm? The invasion force is way ahead of us in technology"

"Let's go, go back, I can't watch anymore"

"It's just a matter of leaving the fate of everyone to them, they can afford it"

"Yes, without them, we can not escape, life is saved by them forget it, stop it, they can survive, we should also be able to survive"

With such voices, the crowd finally dispersed, and a few Baathists had to pack up their placards, which were stained with Faye's blood and stood out.

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