Escape Chapter 20: Warrior vs.

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 "Up to 40 minutes," Sun Ming sneered, and slowly sat down

Time passed, and flashes of light began to appear in the distance, and occasionally violent explosions came into the ears

"clang", the ceiling suddenly collapsed a piece, a tall figure jumped down from above

"Faye" Sun Ming slowly stood up from the chair, "good, did not let me down, you can come here, die in front of Huo Xin, everything will be perfect"

"This tube is also indeed too narrow" Faye patted his clothes and looked up, "die here? How many people did you arrange? I didn't bring a single person, this can't be a big deal, otherwise it won't end well no matter who wins"

"I also did not arrange a person" Sun Ming moved a button on the table, Huo Xin was immediately tied to the chair, "Let me see how strong you really are"

"What? You're crazy, just you," Faye looked at Sun Ming in surprise.

"Be careful, he's a trained killer," Huo Xin reminded.

"Killer" Faye skimmed, a large caliber pistol pointed at Sun Ming's head, "let me see what you are capable of"

"rt470 single shot pistol, single shot firearm is impossible to hit me" Sun Ming said coldly, "you shoot ah"

"Bang" sound, rt470 spouted a powerful tongue of fire

Sun Ming did not move, the bullet flew past the side of the face

Faye grunted, his body sharply into Sun Ming's arms, a sudden burst of saber forward straight stabbed past suddenly, Faye felt a chill, long-established combat instincts let him instinctively low body side roll, "Chula" a, combat clothing was cut open.

A crunching sound, Sun Ming's left hand pressed on Faye's alloy prosthetic hand a force, alloy prosthetic hand again from the broken arm joint was ripped off, blood gushed out wildly on the other side, then said, "Maguire once said before he died, think his life is worth only one of your arms. I want to be a little stronger than he was, to take your left hand as the cost of it," the words fell, Faye's broken arm has been strangled into several cuts, "and then find a stronger righteous hand, the next time you fight with people alone also counted two weapons."

"Hey," Feiye smiled bitterly, his eyes darkened, and flung himself straight to the ground.

Sun Ming slowly walked to Faye, "you remember, I did not lose to you, now standing is still me, I do not kill you," said, while using the freezing agent to stop Faye's bleeding

Sun Ming turned around and walked up to Huo Xin, "Lieutenant General, again you were right, I won, but not victory"

"This is the end of the matter, you go in peace, you are martyred, and Maguire, died to save the last Earth civilization, those of your men will also be fine" Huo Xin said quietly.

"Haha" Sun Ming a burst of wild laughter, "Huo Xin, I'm not afraid of your nonsense, for you, the hearts of the people is more important than anything, if this dirty scene to the public, you painstakingly protect the trust of the military and the people will not be a bubble, you would rather die yourself than destroy this trust, how will for a little emotional How could you easily destroy him for a little emotional injustice?"

Sun Ming walked to the corner, leaning sat down, looking at his own blood cut out the last trajectory of life, Huo Xin finally tell you one thing, I have started the bomb, there are about 5 minutes, this district will be turned into a sea of fire Ran, after nothing."

"What" Huo Xin was shocked, rushed to the communication desk to open the public channel, "emergency notification, I am Lieutenant General Huo Xin, all personnel immediately evacuate Zone 7, all personnel immediately evacuate Zone 7, 5 minutes later here will be a big explosion"

"Emergency evacuation of Zone 7, emergency evacuation of Zone 7, there will be a big explosion in 5 minutes" Huo Xin's voice echoed in the public radio of the Ark fleet.

In the control room of Zone 7, a middle-aged man ran towards the exit with difficulty, holding the injured man who had lost both arms, his firm figure like a flag unfurling in the wind.

Not far away, a few scarred veterans held each other to meet their leader.

In the chamber, the well-dressed politicians hammered on the solid iron door, their fearful eyes revealing vulnerability

Zone 7 gates, a first aid vehicle, fire truck lights flashing, crowded crowd of anxious looking into the distance

On the bridge of the Guardian, a Commodore looked silently at the picture of a white-faced man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and gave a solemn salute of farewell

The low and impassioned song came out from all corners of the Ark fleet, seemingly transcending all physical limitations and echoing in the vast starry sky

Brothers, rise up, the road is still long

Brothers, rise up, the stars are guiding our direction

Get up, brother, time will cover all our wounds

Oh, brother, rise up, the blood in your chest will burn like the light of the sun

Season 2 is end

Please look forward to season 3

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