Prologue Recap.

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Previously On The Citizen Vampire stories: After destroying half of Seattle in my crossover story Teen Freak Team, the court sentenced Valerie to a therapist in her town. Unfortunately, Vincent soon discovered that the therapist, Dr. Oswald was actually Valerie's lost psychotic, and murderous uncle, who killed her actual parents with a vampdroid. Luckily, him, and Drake rescued Valerie, before she could meet the same fate from Dr. Electron, Oswald's persona. Once they escaped, Vincent help fixed up Valerie's old house where her parents died, and have her, and Drake live there, after they made up, and he got her pregnant.

In book 2, Valerie, and Drake had a baby, got into medical school, and got married together. Dr. Electron planned on getting revenge, after being sent to prison, but it failed, and he went to Alcatraz instead.


So, yeah. This is basically the turning point for the story, and you're all probably wondering how I'm writing this? Well as you'll see from the tags this is actually a western story, that takes place in 2034. Only this time, we're going back to before the story of Teen Freak Team begins. This is basically an origin story for my reoccurring character, Ject Zilon. I've been writing his cameo's, and appearances for almost 2 years now, and thought I would bring up how he became sheriff. However, you must be wondering why there is no cover on this yet. My phone charger broke, so I'll have to make a cover for this story, after I get the charger. Until then, Thanks For Reading.

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