Chapter 29: To Stop A Vulture.

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Dr. Oswald went over to his desk, and opened the drawer, as he pulled out what looked like a red remote, that only had an on, and off switch. Once the switch was pulled out of the drawer, Dr. Oswald closed it behind him.

"This remote is the answer to all of your problems," Oswald explained. "Take this with you to the town you were mentioning, and use it on the vulture." "And what is that suppose to do to it?" Voit asked. "It turns it off," Oswald answered. "I created this remote a month before I created the vulture that it is connected to it, so I kept it safe from Leb."

"Wait a minute," Ject said. "If that ass-bot had the robot vulture all this time, why didn't he just find the robot that goes with it?" "He was too busy building his gang," Oswald explained. "Also, androids can't see through metal, and that's exactly what my drawer is made out of. Now the only way you can defeat that gang, is to disable the vulture that's on their side. Do you think you can do that?" "I can do it with my left hand tied behind my back," Ject commented. "Just watch."

"Alright everyone, we have what we need," Felcri explained. "I believe it's time we returned to New York by doing the same dance, only this time we think about where we took off at." "Again?" Troto asked. "It shouldn't be that far," Bolex answered. Just as the group walked out the door to the lab, Voit stopped to find that Dr. Oswald wasn't following them. "You're not coming?" Voit asked. "I'm an inventor, not a fighter," Oswald said. "Besides, everyone in Big Apple Gulch would blame me."

"Blame you?" Ject asked. "The gang leader that attacked the town was my creation," Oswald answered. "I have no place there. No one would forgive me for all the trouble I caused because of that. Besides, I need to rebuild everything in my lab that android has destroyed. If I have the guts, I will come to that town." Everyone shrugged, and left the scientist just as they got out of the lab, and out the front door of the destroyed Psychiatry Center. Of course, they once again do the same dance after Felcri burned a log, and they all ended up back in the Indian village where they first did the dance to get to Old Bridge.

"We're back," Felcri said. "That being said I believe we know what must be done." "Si (Yes)," Bolex agreed. "Now I believe we all should get some rest. We'll take down that gang tomorrow, and the town should go back to normal." "And same everyone in the town, including my family," Voit agreed. "It's hard to believe that it's finally come to this, everybody," Troto said. "Still, I can't just take down that gang by ourselves, because we need an army." "We have one," Felcri explained. "How?" Ject asked. "There's basically only 5 of us. 6 if you count my bird." "My people have trained in the ways of ranged combat," Felcri answered. "We attack whenever you explain the time." What time do you choose?" Voit asked. "Two words," Ject answered. "High noon."


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