Chapter 23: Meat Trap.

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Before heading back to Big Apple Gulch however, Ject brought them to one last stop, and found a sign for a butchering shop. Ject parked in front of the butcher shop, and hid his falcon back inside its cage for it.

Canta, Snavy, and Bolex arrived next to him, while wondering why they would come. "What are we doing here?" Canta asked. "Shouldn't we be heading back to town to deliver the food, water, and weapons to the people of Big Apple Gulch?" "We don't have enough food supply," Ject answered. "That's why we came to this butcher place."

Ject, and the group went through the empty mirror doors, and saw that most of the meat storage in the front where the register was suppose to be had no meat, and didn't have any shelves filled with meat. "This place givesss me the creepsss," Snavy commented. "Are you sure thisss isss the bessst place to get meat?" "I know so," Ject explained. "Where else do you think they would get the meat from, a grocery store?" Finally, Ject sees the door to the freezer.

Ject figured that would be where all the meat was, as he waited for the others to come over to where he found the freezer door. "I think I found where the meat is," Ject said, and opened the door. However, after it opened, tranquilizers came out and hit all 4 of the people. 10 hours later, Ject woke up, and found Felcri from before as he was standing in front of him. "Wake up, vampire child," Felcri said. "You have to stop sleeping. " Ject opened his eyes, and discovered that he was inside the freezer.

"What happened?" Ject asked. "Someone locked you in the freezer," Felcri answered. "Your bounty hunter friend is safe outside, but the females who were with you are nowhere to be found. Above that, we have found this child tied up, with a note attached to his shirt." Ject looked and found a familiar lizard boy, who was gagged, tied up, and had a note attached to his shirt. "Voit," Ject said, and went over to him, untying him, and ungagging him. "What are you doing here?" Ject asked. "It was that gang," Voit answered. "They sent me here, and used me as a note for you, then kidnapped your women friends."

"This gang did it," Felcri said. "There's a bigger problem then we thought." "The note attached to me explains a warning, and what happened to the women," Voit explained, taking the note off of his shirt, and opened it to read. "Dear F***head Gringo," the note read. "I took the girls who were with you back to Big Apple Gulch. They broke the law in not leaving town, and following you, so they will be hung in the middle of town to pay for their crimes at 12:10 P.M tomorrow. If you arrive in town to stop me, you will be murdered, and we'll murder the women you saved last. You've been warned. From Leb." "That bastard gang," Ject said. "They just broke the camels back." "What are we gonna do?" Voit asked. "We're going to need some help," Ject answered.


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