Chapter 26: Into The Lab Now.

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As the group entered the destroyed building, they noticed the reception room, and spotted that it was a mess. The computer was destroyed, there were strips of wallpaper all over the floor, and the walls were cracking.

"Is this ever a sad sight!" Ject commented. "Alright, let's split up, and start finding the scientist that made that asshole robot gang." Of course there were only 8 rooms to check, and the scientist Dr. Oswald was in neither of them. "We can't find this Dr. Oswald anywhere, and it's starting to smell like Troto farted in this place," Bolex said.

All of a sudden, Troto burrowed back up, making another hole. "Guys, you will never believe what happened," he said. "I was seeing if them sassin frassin robots buried the scientist alive, but what I did found was metal. There's another room under this place." "Another room, that's ridiculous," Voit commented. "Ever heard of basements?" Bolex asked. "Yeah, but I wish I had one," Voit answered. "What room is underground, and how do we get down there?" Ject asked.

"Perhaps this desk that is still in working condition can help with that," Felcri answered. "According to the relics you people called DVDs, we discovered that you can do stuff like pull a book from a bookshelf to reveal a hidden entrance. We might be able to do the same thing, by pulling something from the desk." "Worth a shot I guess," Bolex shrugged, and everyone started pulling the items off of the desk, which didn't work, because some of them weren't stuck on the desk at all as Felcri mentioned.

"Wait, there's one more thing untouched," Troto said. "That pen." Troto pulled the pen, but then discovered that it was attached to a chain, which caused the floor below the other side of the desk to go inside a compartment under the floor, and reveal a stair case that leads to what was in the basement. Everyone around the desk was surprised. "Let's go," Ject said, and lead the group downstairs to where the basement was. As they got to the end of the stairs, the group spotted a door at the end of the basement hallway, which would take them to the next room that would get them some answers to the mess.

Ject opened the door, and on the other side the group found a bunch of science like capsules that had broken glass, while some of them had cobwebs. "Now this looks like the perfect place to hold a Frankenstein Convention," Ject commented. "So the laboratory was underneath his own building all this time?" Troto asked. "Makes me think this place is sloppier than normal." "It smells like Toro (Bull) sh*t in this place," Bolex commented. "Didn't anyone ever tell this scientist to use air freshener?" "I don't know, but I think I'm starting to make that smell in my pants, because of how creepy it is," Voit said. "Everyone quiet," Felcri explained, as he stopped everyone in the group. "We are not alone in this room. I sense someone injured here."


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