Chapter 06: Town Escort.

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Ject woke up the next morning, as he heard the alarm clock app on his apple watch buzzing. Ject got back out of his tent, and rolled his sleeping bag up, while at the same time putting his hat back on his head.

Before grabbing a bag of donuts from the bag of snacks, Ject had them for breakfast, as he packed up the tent right after. Once the camping gear was packed, Ject went to go check on the lizard boy that he met the other night, and found him laying down next to the pile of burned skinned cacti, that was used for firewood that night.

"Time to wake up, Godzilla Jr," Ject said. "It's time for you to go home." "My name is Voit, sir," the lizard boy explained, getting up. "Whatever, let's get on out of here," Ject said. "Looper, we're leaving." The falcon nodded, and flew right into the cage Ject carried him around in. After connecting the cage to his motorcycle, Ject got on, while Voit got behind his back, and held on, while the gunslinger started driving back on the path he was on, before he started camping.

"So, tell me about this town of yours," Ject explained. "For starters, what is it called?" "Big Apple Gulch," Voit said. "A nice western town filled with friendly mutants, well it was until the gang I talked about showed up. They murdered the previous sheriff of our town when they arrived, and even held the mayor hostage. As for the mayor's daughter, she went missing after seeing her father get kidnapped. We're not sure what happened to her, but we pray that she would be safe from those thugs."

"So what is this gang doing now?" Ject asked. "Well the leader doesn't come back, until 10:00 P.M today," Voit answered. "Right now he's at his gang's headquarters sleeping. However he's not just keeping the mayor held against his will, but everyone else as well." "And these people just don't grab the nearest weapon, and learn to fight back?" Ject asked. "The gang leader has a cybernetic vulture that snatched all the weapons away," Voit answered. "There's nothing we can do, but hope that heroes can come to our town, and free us from these god forsaken bandits, but the gang leader runs every single new sheriff out of town."

"Not surprising," Ject commented. "I already know a robotic bird, and its the one in my cage. What's disappointing is though, it can only swoop weapons from bad guys, after grabbing it in its beak." "Actually there's more to it than that," Voit explained. "The vulture has a magnet, and it can pull away any kind of weapon from daggers, to pistols. If it is something used to kill anyone, the magnet will just take it away from you, before you could even kill it." "I'm not sure who gave that gang leader that vulture, but I know he is going to be dead meat if he comes across me," Ject commented. "If this gang is as ruthless as you say they are, they'll be going on an all expense paid trip to Hell." With that, Ject continued his way to the town of Big Apple Gulch.


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