Chapter 28: How The Gang Came To Be.

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Dr. Oswald came out of his bedroom, now wearing a buttoned t-shirt, and lab coat, while he finished the sandwich that Felcri gave him. Once he was now dressed, the scientist sat down in his office chair to talk.

"Alright, I suppose you want a brief explanation for what has happened to your me, and why my androids are in your town," Oswald said. "Well it all started 15 years ago. The maniac alien conqueror named Lord Specter killed off all life on Earth, including half of the human race. I unfortunately survived thanks to my underground lab."

"Figures," Ject commented. "However, I didn't want to feel abnormal to the newly mutated beings this world now has," Oswald explained. "No offense." "Ninguna toma (None taken)," Bolex said. "I decided to rebuild the human race, but this unfortunately wasn't my first attempt," Oswald explained. "The first creature I made was a robotic vulture that came with wings made out of knives, and of course a magnet system that I use to gather spare parts to build more stuff."

"That must be the same vulture the gang leader has," Voit said. "Kid please," Ject commented. "As I was saying, after the apocalypse hit, I have created the perfect android by outfitting him with human skin, hair, eyes, a mouth, and even clothes for him to survive in the wasteland," Oswald explained. "I trained him in the art of range combat, by giving him all the knowledge of a professional US Marshal. I trained this robot for years, as I gave him a laser pistol to go with his get up, but then I messed up."

"What happened?" Ject asked. "As I continued training this robot I named Leb, initials for Loyal. Electronic. Bionicle, I made him to violent, so I decided to add some compassion to his software," Oswald answered. "But just when I was about to go get the cords, and my laptop, he grabbed me, and injured me. All that violence from those western movies I found in some abandoned film store ruins has override his software turning him pure evil. After that, he stripped me of my lab coat, and shirt, broke one of my capsules in this lab, and taped my arms to them. I can never forget what he said to me, while doing so."

"Escape this, and it'll be the last mistake you make," Leb said, and threw the duct tape across the room during the flashback. "Then once I was distracted, Leb created androids just like himself, while giving them western clothing, and even shared his software memories with them," Oswald explained. "Once Leb was finished, he took his new friends, along with the vulture I created, and left me to rot here, while at the same time never eat food, water, or see sunlight ever again. That was, until you 5 rescued me." "The pleasures ours, old man," Troto said. "So how are we suppose to stop this gang?" "Well before you can get the gang, you need to disable the vulture," Oswald explained. "Luckily, I just remembered something we can use."


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