Chapter 04: Gathering The Right Supplies.

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As Ject finished filling up his motorcycles gas tank, he placed the pump up, and closed the gas cap, while noticing that his falcon fell asleep. "You bored too huh?" Ject asked. "Well we'll find entertainment soon."

Ject then decided to enter the convenience store of the gas station, and see what was inside, but then heard a noise. Ject pulled out his pistol just after noticing the sound, and kicked one of the doors open, allowing himself in. "Alright," Ject said. "Whoever is in there, better come out. I don't want to blast your brains out, but I will if I half to."

Ject however knew that calling them wasn't going to work, so he did the next best thing. That was to point his pistol into the air, and when Ject fired, it caused the glass of the lights in the ceiling to shatter into falling pieces. All the pieces of the glass fell on whoever was behind the register counter. Just then, a bunch of mutated bandits came out, carrying there own laser pistols, and started firing at Ject. Of course, the gunslinger knew how it would all end.

With the pistol in his hand, Ject shot all the bandits that were hiding behind something in the bar, causing them to bleed out of their own stomachs. Ject placed his pistol up, once all of the bandits were dead, and pulled out a syringe to collect the blood. "I don't know who these assholes are, but they are in the way of my snack scavenging," Ject commented, and started collecting food from the shelves, by grabbing a shopping bag. With that bag, Ject began collecting all the snacks.

Ject pulled out 15 bags of chips, 2 6 packs of Coke, 20 bags of Hostess Powdered Donuts, and 10 packaged jumbo pretzels. However, Ject didn't see any meat, basically because the apocalypse killed the electricity that keeps the fridges in the store going, meaning that they have been rancid ever since. With that, Ject took the snacks he had, and headed out the door. In order to keep the snacks in place, Ject attached them to the sides of the motorcycle he was riding, and got on once they were attached. Ject continued driving hours for months, until the sun went down, and nightfall came. Ject stopped once it was night.

"It's getting late, Looper," Ject explained. "And there's not a motel in sight. I guess we'll have to set up camp here. Good thing the half-wolf family gave me camping gear before we left." Ject got off the motorcycle, and spent 1 hour setting up the tent, while Looper stayed in his cage. An hour after that, Ject started a fire, after chopping down a cactus, and skinning off the green stuff that was prickly, and able to keep people from touching them. Once the cacti was on fire, Ject used it as warmth, and let his own falcon out of the cage. Looper flew to the top of the tent, to keep watch for people coming near his camp, and Ject pulled out a bag of Lays to eat up. That way, he would be able to get food energy, and be able to fight back against evil without an empty stomach.


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