Chapter 11: Town Hall Meeting.

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Ject placed his caged falcon onto the handle of his motorcycle, and decided to drive to town hall, and meet with the mayor. Canta was able to catch up with Ject, given that she was actually a centaur that was fast.

Finally, after spotting the town hall building, Ject got off, and parked his motorcycle again. "You better stay here, Looper," Ject explained to his falcon. "I need to take this alone." Ject climbed the stairs to the front door, and opened it, while looking for the mayor. When he got into the building, he noticed some stuff about the place.

On the walls, he saw that the vulture keepers gang has spray painted messages on the wall like "Get Out", and "No One Allowed". Seeing these, Ject pulled out his pistol, and shot the spots where the messages were painted, until there was nothing left on the wall, but square wallpaper spots. While Ject moved on upstairs, Canta came in, and noticed what Ject did from the torn wallpaper. "Guess he knows what he's up against," Canta thought. "I'll need to see more."

Ject arrived upstairs to where the mayors office was, and spot the lock that was keeping it closed. Once the doors were opened, Ject entered through the doors, and found the mayors office, a complete mess. Not only were the walls covered with bullet holes, but Ject also finds that there was oil covering the mayor's desk. "These gang members don't give any sh*t's," Ject commented. "Especially with how much they've dirtied the place. Mayor." Ject then looked around the office.

"Where is he?" Ject asked himself, but all of a sudden heard the sound of something from the closet. Ject opened the doors to the closet, and found an old man Naga man who was wearing a red night gown, and locked up in a cage. "Who are you?" he asked. "Are you one of Leb'sss boysss?" "Not in the slightest," Ject answered, and fired at the cage lock, which fell. "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna hurt you, so I won't." Ject opened the cage, freeing the Naga who was captive in that cage. "Thank you very much," the mayor said. "What is your name, exactly?" "Ject Zilon," Ject explained. "I came to rid this town of that gang."

"You aren't the firssst one I've heard sssay that," the mayor said. "My name's Anaconford, but you can call me Anac, and before you ask, yes. I am the mayor of Big Apple Gulch." "I see," Ject commented. "I came here to talk to you about the gang that is attacking your town." "Alright, I guessss I have no other way to get you out of my office, then tell you what I know, ssso I'll cooperate," Anac said, as he slithered over to the chair in front of his desk. After seeing the sh*t, he disposed of it with a roll of toilet paper. Meanwhile Canta arrived to the top of the stairs, and found the door to the mayor's office unlocked. Knowing what to do next, Canta peeked inside, and found that the mayor was freed, and Ject was sitting at his desk, as he threw away the sh*t.


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