Chapter 01: Family Time Visit.

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Ject travelled back to the year 2022, and arrived as his parents house once he parked his motorcycle in front of it. Once he was off, Ject took off his helmet, grabbed his falcon's cage, and walked up to the front door.

Once he knocked, Ject heard footsteps from the other side, and found that his father has opened it. Drake was wearing a black buttoned t-shirt, brown khaki pants, and black loafers. "Son, we've been expecting you," Drake said. "Come on in, it must be scorching outside in the sunlight." Ject came inside, and closed the door behind himself.

"It still feels odd that we have to invite ourselves in," Ject commented. "Well we're vampires, and this is our home," Drake explained. "Now take your boots off. Your mother just cleaned the carpet, after your last visit." "They're clean this time, pop, but I guess I have to anyway," Ject said, while placing his falcon's cage on the ground. Next the gunslinger took off his boots, and placed them next to the door, and picked the cage up. "Let's get going," Ject said.

Ject followed his father to the kitchen, where they saw his mother cooking food in a pot on the stove. Valerie was wearing a red spotted dress, with a black apron, and wearing matching black boots that had higher heels. Valerie noticed her son coming in, just after he sat down. "Ah Evan," Valerie said. "So nice of you to stop by for the weekend. Your past self is upstairs taking a nap, so how about you stay up here for a while." "Sounds good," Ject said. "Maybe The Price Is Right is on, if we can watch what they win."

"Nothing to special," Drake explained. "The only thing they give away on that show are rich junk, and a car that they proclaim is new." "So, is Uncle Vin, and that scientist we rescued in need of any help?" Ject asked. "Not at all," Valerie answered. "Why do you ask?" "Well, every time MaxOut writes about us in September, he expects us to stop a bad guy, like Great Uncle Chad, or Son Vurachu," Ject said. "Your Uncle just went to Rio with the scientist on a vacation," Drake explained. "I'm afraid to say that they won't be coming back, until after labor day." "Well it sucks," Ject said. "I was really hoping to get in on some action."

"Cheer up, Evan," Valerie explained. "I made beef stew for lunch. Try a bowl." Valerie placed 3 bowls on the table, and then poured the stew she made into them using a ladle. Ject took his hat off, and placed it on the cage, where his falcon was. "Why don't you let your pet out, so he can join us, Evan?" Valerie asked. "Looper doesn't eat anything other than wood shavings, and cents," Ject answered. "Guess that explained all the paper messages he's been spitting out," Drake commented. "And how come we see ink on the paper, if he eats the wood?" "That's his oil," Ject explained. "Not only his he part wood chipper, and part falcon, but he's also part facts machine, even in the sky." "I'll go see if we have any spare 2 by 4's," Valerie said.


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