Chapter 32: Back To Big Apple Gulch Part 03.

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While the rest of the group took down the gang, Voit hid behind the hanging stage, as he went to go untie both Canta, and Snavy while grabbing a blade feather from the robot vulture. With the blade, Voit got ready.

As Looper swooped down, and cut the hanging ropes that were wrapped around the girls neck, Voit used the steel feather to cut through the ropes that were keeping them both from moving. Once the two were free, they both found Voit, after seeing the feather that he was freeing them both with, and Snavy hugged him with her human arms.

"My cute little hero," Snavy said. "You dessserve a reward for freeing usss." "Just doing what Mr. Zilon tells me, and being a good person, miss," Voit explained, while getting hugged too much. "Please let go of me." Canta looked back at the rope that Voit cut off, as she got an idea. "I think I can make a rope from these binds," Canta explained. "Lizard kid, you distract the androids while I put them together." "I'll do my best," Voit said. "And Snavy let him go," Canta said. "Jesus."

As Voit left, Canta started putting the pieces of broken rope together, in order to make a complete rope, and tie up someone. Meanwhile the androids of course were struggling when the entire town they were in became surrounded by satyr Indians. "ARCHERS," Felcri shouted, giving the command, and they pulled out arrows, while using bows at the same time. "FIRE." The arrows spears had cubes of wood tied to them that were set on fire, that they launched at the android gang with ease.

Unfortunately all it did was remove the skin, and clothing that they had to disguise themselves as humans. The satyr Indians jumped off of the roofs of the building, and landed on top of them, while using their tomahawks to chop all the revealed wiring in their bodies, which disabled them, and caused them to explode. More of the gang members noticed, and tried running away, but Troto stopped them. "Ya'll want to know what I smell like?" Troto asked, and then drunk his bottle of hot sauce. Then after Troto finished, he burped again, causing fire to come out of his mouth, and roast half of their clothes, and skin off.

The androids ran from Troto, as he started raising his pickaxe. "I'll get you all, ya varmints," Troto commented, as he used the pickaxe to chop off their metal backs, that reveal more wiring that he chopped off. All of the androids that got their skin, and clothes fried fell to the ground, and blew up. Of course the ones that didn't blow up got shot, as Bolex appeared from a rooftop with his laser powered rifle. The gang members of course fell to the ground with holes in their chest, having Bolex put up his rifle. "Disfruta de tu estancia en el Infierno Cibernético (Enjoy your days in Cybernetic Hell)," Bolex said, and pulled out a cigarette, along with a lighter, while smoking it on the same time, once the gang members were dead. "Bastardos de metal (Metal bastards)."


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