Chapter 21: Wastelands Of Manhattan.

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Ject, and the group continued to drive long before the sun could go down, and arrived at whatever was left of New York City. All the skyscrapers were halfway buried, and the streets were a big mess as well.

As Ject, and his group continued driving, they saw that the streets were flooded with vehicles filled with destroyed windows, and melted tires. "Ssso," Snavy said, getting scared. "Thessse are the ssstreetsss of Manhattan, huh?" Of course, all the dead pigeons around the place could make the group tell no one's been to the city in years.

"This place is like a ghost town," Canta commented. "Are you sure coming here last was a good idea?" "If anyone's going to help provide for food, are these Indians," Ject explained. "They've been growing this stuff since they discovered this country first, and we might get even more water if they teach us a good old fashion rain dance. No offense." "Ninguna toma (None taken)," Bolex said. "Now the best way to find Indians, is to find a smoke signal," Ject explained.

Just then, the group spotted floating ring shaped clouds made out of smoke, meaning that some Indians were in the area. "Jackpot," Ject commented. "Follow me." Ject lead the group to where they were coming from, and spotted the Empire State Building. "It had to be this place," Ject commented. "The same building that King Kong terrorized a lady at." "You saw those movies too?" Canta asked. "We'll talk about what we did before later," Ject answered. "Let's head inside, and find some Indians."

Ject, and the group got off onto the floor, and went inside as they noticed the glass to the doors were destroyed making it easy for them to get inside the destroyed building. As the group got into the building, they spotted that most of the damage was basically a bunch of paper scattered all over the place, and some of them that were on the wall were arrows. Just then, the group spotted Indian tents near the end of the hall that had no roof, as they arrived towards them. The one creating the smoke signals was the chief of the tribe, and as Ject noticed these Indians were satyr's mostly thriving on goats, or deer with very long horns.

One of the satyr Indians, noticed the group coming towards them, and sounded the horn alert, letting the others know. Before the Indians could shoot their arrows, Ject raised his hands in peace. "Do not shoot," Ject explained. "We came for help." The satyr chief raised his, or her hand, which signaled the attackers to stop. The chief turned, and revealed to be a boy about the age of either 13, or 14, as his entire body was painted in red face paint designs, along with his followers. "Greetings, travelers," the chief said. "We weren't expecting any visitors, until today. I am Felcri, chief of these people." "I'm a gunslinger, this lady is my blood giver, she's the mayors daughter, and this guy is a bounty hunter we just met earlier today," Ject explained. "Hear us out."


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