Chapter 02: About The Apocalypse.

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Valerie left the table for about a couple of minutes, and opened the door to supply closet, where she found a piece of lumber wood, then placed it on the floor. Ject opened his falcon's cage, and it flew right out.

After noticing the lumber piece, the falcon landed, and started pulling off a piece. "I still can't believe you managed to create such a pet like that," Valerie said. "What else can it do?" "Scan buildings to download blueprints, connect to my pistol to make an energy cannon, and also fire missiles," Ject explained. "Luckily nothing's happening today."

"Are you sure all that stuff on a falcon is safe?" Drake asked. "It's how I created it, before the war against Specter," Ject answered. "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that," Valerie said. "How was life in the apocalypse?" "Well besides you, and Pop being dead, and me going from family to family for 15 years, it was still a trash hole after the explosion," Ject explained. "Your mother, and I want more details, son," Drake said. "As in a good story about that life."

"Well that life was a pile of sh*t when I lived it," Ject explained. "I don't want to remember those days again. Driving through nothing, but sand, waiting for asshole mutants, or robots to bash your face in with either a bat, or a gun." "Well, how about you just tell us how you became a bit like us," Valerie said. "How did you become a gunslinger." "Oh well that is something I can definitely do," Ject explained. "Just need to get out my story telling juice, before I can everything that went down back then."

Ject pulled out a bottle of Coke from his jacket pocket, along with a bag of blood, and mixed them together before drinking. "That bottle," Valerie said. "We need to have a talk about that." "Hey I wash it," Ject said. "Now for starters, do any of you remember what happened after Specter stabbed me?" "I do," Drake explained. "You gave me your time machine, and I travelled to that exact year after the bomb did hit. From what I saw, I discovered that I was actually your father, and I gave you to a mutated rabbit woman." "What happened to me in the future though?" Valerie asked. "I did give birth to you."

"I didn't even see what happened to you, because I fell asleep after crying after coming out of your stomach," Ject answered. "I must have died after giving birth to you then," Valerie said. "It happens." "While the rabbit woman took my son inside, I died, and collapsed on the ground, then turned into dust," Drake explained. "So what happened after that?" "I was raised by 4 other different families," Ject said. "Well the rabbit woman did say that she couldn't raise you forever," Drake commented. "So what families took you?" Valerie asked. "A family of anthropomorphic gorillas, a family of half-hedgehogs, a family of eagle harpies, and a family of half-wolves," Ject answered. "That's quite the family tree you got there," Drake said. "Moving on," Ject explained.


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