Chapter 16: The Abandoned Railroads.

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The three arrived at the abandoned train cart on the railroads, and found that it was completely deserted. Ject got off of his motorcycle, and pulled his falcon out of his cage, as he got on his shoulder for an aerial assist.

Snavy, and Canta got out their weapons as well, when Ject pulled out his pistol. "It's too quiet," Ject whispered. "Some of those kids you mentioned must be hiding." "That could be possssible," Snavy agreed. "So how do we have Bolex come out of hiding?" Canta asked. "I know Bolex," Snavy answered. "Let me handle thisss."

Ject, and Canta stepped back, while Snavy slithered over to the train cart. "Bolex, It's Me," Snavy yelled. "The Mayor Of Big Apple Gulch's Daughter, Snavy. If You're In That Cart, Can We Talk? I Have A Request For You." "Seize fire, children," a voice arrived, and footsteps came from inside the train cart. Finally, the stranger walking arrived, revealing an anthropomorphic tiger wearing a cowboy hat, a bandana over his face, a vest in his t-shirt, and and an eyepatch on his face.

"The mayor's daughter," the tiger said. "Yesss," Snavy explained. "My town isss in trouble. A gang of banditsss came to the town, and murdered the sheriff that use to work there. I'm afraid that the ressst of our town might be next, including the innosssent children that live there." "Tell me more about this bandido (Bandit) gang that is harming you," the tiger said. "I'll be willing to help if I can." "Firssst, I want you to meet sssome people that essscorted me here," Snavy explained. "You can come out now."

Ject, and Canta took the snake girl's advice, and come out of hiding, revealing themselves. Of course, the tiger sniffed the air, and caught the scent of Ject's blood breath. "Un vampiro (A vampire)," the tiger said. "He's friendly," Canta explained. "Don't worry." "You remember my bessst friend Canta who worksss at the blood bank, correct?" Canta asked. "Si (Yes)," the tiger answered. "And thisss is our new friend, Ject," Snavy explained. "He's basically a vampire guy that went head to head with the gang leader of our town, and made him swear to get revenge," Canta added. "We'll need all the help we can get."

"Hey, it ain't my fault that the guy I fought in that saloon is a piece of sh*t," Ject said. "Still, with the number of gang members on his side, we'll need reinforcements." "Just tell me what you need, and I will provide," the tiger explained. "I'm Bolex, the guardian of all of these children after their parents died." "Yikes," Canta commented. "The western is a terrible place," Bolex explained. "Now what are you wanting from me?" "We need water for Big Apple Gulch, and word on the railroads say that you are the closest area to water there is," Ject said. "If you're willing to assist, we'll give you money to build an orphanage for the kids you're taking care of." "Bien (Alright)," Bolex explained. "But first you'll need something to store the water in, after taking it."


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