Chapter 24: How To Stop The Gang.

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Ject met up with Voit, Bolex, and Felcri back at the village to think of what to do. What the gang didn't have were the water, and food seeds that Ject got on the journey, but they did have the weapon filled blanket.

"So the gang set a trap, confiscated the weapons the mole miner gave us, and kidnapped Canta, and Snavy?" Bolex asked, and everyone nodded yes. "Bastardos(Bastards)." "We'll get them both back, and stop Leb, and his freak gang," Ject explained. "He might have the girls, and guns, but that's about the change. I know their secret."

"A secret, and what is that?" Felcri asked. "When I was saving the mayor's daughter, I noticed some works on one of their necks that explains where they came from," Ject answered. "I took one of their heads as a souvenir to remind where they are located." Ject pulled out a severed robot cowboy head, and gave it to the chief of satyr Indians, so he could see what the entire thing said. "Reading it out loud would let everyone know where to go," Ject explained.

"If found please return to Dr. Oswald's Psychiatry Center," Felcri read, but then found another sentence below it. "Located in Old Bridge New Jersey." "So these gang harassing people at Big Apple Gulch are actually robots from out of town," Voit said. "Never thought I'd see the day." "Lucky for us, this man Dr. Oswald is going to give us some explanations on how to defeat him," Ject explained. "If not, I'll suck his blood like my birth Pa use to do to other humans." "Let's not get crazy now," Felcri said.

"How are we suppose to get to New Jersey without getting caught by border patrol?" Bolex asked. "They'll never let us through amigos, even if they do believe when we tell them that we're trying to save a town." "I haven't thought of that," Ject answered. "Worry not, everyone," Felcri explained. "We have a teleportation dance that can be preformed, however we need 5 or more people to do it." "Well the girls are already gone, so we're at a loss," Ject said. Just then, a patch of dirt, exploded from the lower right corner of the circle, and made a hole, which was created by Troto as he threw some of the dirt next to himself.

"Wait a minute," Troto said. "This isn't KFC." "Troto, what are you doing here?" Ject asked. "I should ask you the same thing," Troto answered. "I didn't think you would eat fast food." "You were right went you said that this isn't KFC," Ject explained. "This is an Indian satyr village. The girls who were with us got kidnapped by the gang we talked about, and we need to get to the scientist that created them." "Well count me into this rescue mission," Troto said, as he got out of the hole. "Let's hope they have a McDonalds there." "Before we leave however, we need to do the dance outside," Felcri explained. "Everyone follow me." Felcri lead the group outside of the destroyed building the village was in, and they formed a circle in order to do the dance.


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