Chapter 08: Saloon Rest.

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As Ject entered the saloon with Looper, he found a bunch of mutated people inside playing games, and also getting drinks. The stage in the background didn't have anyone tending it yet, meaning a dancer must be busy.

Ject sat down near what appeared to be a beaver patron, who was drinking a mug of beer, and passed out, but then noticed the bartender appeared to be a bear mutant with a bunch of muscles come near him. "You must be new here, stranger," he said. "We don't get much of your kind around here. In any case, what would you like?"

"Get me a Coke, and a bag of blood," Ject answered. "This ain't the blood bank, but we can provide with the drink you were wantin," the bartender explained. "It's okay then," Ject said. "I still have a leftover bag of blood from yesterday. I got it after killing a bunch of bandits in an abandoned gas station." A dozen of people over heard Ject, after saying that. Apparently the awkward silence was starting to make him suspicious after he gave the reveal of what he did.

"Okay, is something wrong?" Ject asked. "I'm guessing shooting bad guys in ominous places are illegal where you come from." "Listen kid," the bartender answered. "It ain't illegal at all. It's just you have to be careful when saying that. Those bandits you shot were a part of Leb's gang." "Who's Leb?" Ject asked. "The gang leader harassing us," a voice answered, and having Ject turn to find a centaur woman wearing a brown tube-top, a yellow vest, and had blonde hair to match with her white horse half.

"And who might you be?" Ject asked, getting interested in her looks. "Canta," the centaur girl answered. "Anyway, Leb came in, murdered the sheriff, and held the mayor hostage in his office." "Which office?" Ject asked. "The sheriff's office," the bartender answered. "Leb will stop at nothing, until he murders every newcomer that comes into town." "That's right," a voice said. "And it looks like I just found him." Ject, and the patron's turned, and spotted the human like stranger that spotted him going into the saloon. Ject pulled out his bloody Coke bottle, and drank from it, until it was completely empty.

"I'm guessing you must be this gang leader that lizard boy I dropped off told me about," Ject said. "The very same," Leb explained. "We don't take kindly to blood drinkers in this town." "Actually what the people don't take kindly are sheriff murderers, and gangs," Ject commented, making the other patrons in the bar gasp. "You shouldn't stand up to this guy," Canta said. "You don't know him." "And he doesn't know me," Ject explained. "If there's one thing I do, is murder people, and death is the fate this bastard is going to meet. Hold my caged falcon." Ject gave Looper over to Canta, while getting up from where he was sitting. "What on Earth is this idiot thinking?" Canta asked. "I'm not sure if I want to know," the bartender answered.


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