Chapter 33: Back To Big Apple Gulch Part 04.

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Back with Ject, and Leb they found hiding spots for their duel, as they continue to shoot at each other, while missing. Ject drank his bottle of bloody Coke as he continued to shoot, while remaining hidden.

The hiding spots of course were a crate, and a barrel. "Give up, sh*thead," Ject said. "You're gangs already dismantled. I suggest you place your hands in the air, and get hog-tide, or I'm fixing to put you out of your own extra misery." "You think that'll scare me?" Leb asked. "I'd like to see you try, and surround me with everyone on your side."

Ject whistled, and first his falcon lands on his shoulder, then everyone on his side began surrounding Leb. Thanks to the help from Voit, Canta, Snavy, Bolex, Troto, and Felcri, Ject was able to keep the gang leader surrounded. "It ends now," Ject said. "Big Apple Gulch is free from your clutches, and once again peaceful." "Fine then," Leb explained. "But if I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me starting with you." Leb then pointed his pistol at Ject, and fired a laser.

Seeing this, Voit ran over to where Leb was going to shoot, and blocked it after jumping in front of Ject, and getting it in the chest, then falling to the ground. "Not who I was trying to hit, but oh well," Leb commented. Ject went over to Voit just after he got shot. "Boy, say somthing," Ject said. "What are your parents gonna say when they hear that you sacrificed yourself to save us?" "Tell them I love them, and it was to save our town," Voit explained, and then closed his eyes, while dying in Ject's hands.

Ject let go of Voit's corpse, and didn't say anything as he placed his gun up. "See what happens when you stand up against me?" Leb asked. "As soon as I do the same thing to you Ringo, the rest of you backstabbing traitors, and out of town intruders are next to die. I might not have a gang, but I can still end all of you with either a gun to a body part, or hanging you from ropes in the middle of town." Leb fired another bullet, but this time Ject teleported out of the way, causing him to miss again. Leb of course started searching for him. "Come on out, Ringo," Leb said. "That fancy new trick you learned won't save you."

Ject teleported behind Leb, and pointed his pistol at his face. "It's your turn," Ject said, and grabbed on to Leb's shooting arm, having it point to the android's own privates. Leb escaped from Ject's arms, as the gunslinger himself started getting angrier, and felt his blood flow through his own body, bubbling with fury. "You will pay for your sins, and I will make sure you do," Ject said, and finally his hair went from purple to red, while energy surrounded him, making him a Super Blood-Dragon vampire. "Fancy, but it'll take more than just some change of hair color to get rid of me," Leb said. "I'm fixing to blow you to-" Ject stopped the gang leader's sentence, and grabbed onto his shooting arm again, this time ripping it off of his own body.


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