Chapter 03: Growing Up With Mutants.

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(I'll be taking over in telling the story, since I am writing this story.) Ject learned a ton of stuff by the mutants when he was with the mutated families. The rabbits taught Ject about taking care of wounds from 1-3.

After leaving at age 3, the rabbits sent him to the anthropomorphic gorillas, who taught him about fighting bare handed. Then when he was send to the half-hedgehogs at age 6, where he discovered that he drinks blood, and taught him how to use dynamite, and other forms of detonation, before leaving the family at age 9.

The fourth family, the eagle harpies taught him about robotics, and helped create his sidekick, robot falcon, who stayed with him for all his life. Then once Ject moved out of the eagle harpy family at age 12, he moved in with the half wolves, who taught him how to fire a laser pistol, upgraded his falcon to where he can shoot through it, dyed his hair purple, and even gave him his outfit. A black trench coat, matching gloves, cowboy hat, pants, and boots to go with it.

Finally, when Ject reached the age of 15, it was time for him to leave home, and become his own hero. As Ject grabbed his cage, he walked over to the motorcycle he rides, but before he could go, his half wolf foster mother smiled showing him off. "Good luck on your journey, Ject," she said. "I know you'll do some kind folk proud with how heroic you have become. Your real parents would have wanted it that way." "Well, I'll honor there memory, by being like them," Ject said, and walked to his ride.

Ject placed the handle of his falcon's cage on one of the steering handles, and got on, while placing the keys in the ignition. "Hang on," Drake said. "How did you even get that motorcycle?" "It's the one you were riding on, when you took me to my first foster family," Ject explained. "Even in after 15 years, it was still in working condition. The father's of each family drove it to take me to the other families, and my last foster Dad taught me how to drive it when I was 14." "Couldn't you have waited longer, and did the tests at a DMV?" Valerie asked. "It was after the apocalypse," Ject answered. "DMV's didn't exist anymore."

"I'm somehow glad that I didn't live long enough to see those changes," Valerie commented. "So, where did I leave off?" Ject asked. "Leaving the half wolves," Drake answered. "Right," Ject said. "Anyway, after leaving the wolf family, my falcon, and I decided to leave home, and help out whoever I can. There is however a catch. When going on a long journey after the apocalypse you need 3 things. Food, gas, and more importantly, blood." Ject stopped at a gas station, as he noticed that half of the machines that contain gas were destroyed after the explosion, so he went to the ones that were in good condition, and grabbed a pump. The falcon in the cage was watching, and got bored while he was doing that, so he decided to go into sleep mode.


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Citizen Vampire 3.9: Wild West Apocalypse.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें