Chapter 17: Water Supplying.

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The children inside the train cart helped with supplying fresh water as it was packaged Mountain Water from before the apocalypse still refrigerating in protected ice coolers. They also had a large red wagon for the water.

Before leaving, the children placed the packaged Mountain Water in the wagon, and attached it to Bolex's all terrain 4 wheeler motor bike which was able to carry anything in the back of it. "That should be the last of it," Bolex explained. "You all can handle yourselves while I'm gone, Si?" All the kids nodded, just as Bolex got on his vehicle.

"Excelente (Excellent)" Bolex commented. "If any wolves come by, kill them. Once they die, use their meat for food." The kids retreated back into the train cart, as they got ready for what will happen to them. Once all the water was loaded, Bolex got on his all terrain vehicle, while Ject did the same with his motorcycle, while Snavy got on Canta's back. "Ssso, where to now?" Snavy asked. "The next location on our scavenger hunt are the mines," Ject answered.

"Las minas (The mines)?" Bolex asked. "What for?" "We might have the water now, but Big Apple Gulch needs more sh*t to be happy, and away from that gang's clutches," Ject answered. "Therefore, we are going to the mines." "Well what could possssibly be at the minesss that we need to get?" Snavy asked. "There's a miner in those mines named Troto," Ject answered. "If we meet him, he might supply us with he biggest load of weaponry, and gold we can give to the people that don't have any."

"Okay, real question," Canta said. "Why does this take place in the future after the apocalypse, when the writer is just making it sound like we're from the mid 1800s?" The others didn't really know as well, so Ject shrugged. "I guess, MaxOut just wanted to make a story," Ject explained. hough it does sound like a good origin story to me. Anyways about the mines, what we need are somethings that will keep out all gangs that will come across. Basically something more military like, so that when the gangs come to f*** with the town, they'll get what's coming to them." "Not a bad idea, señor," Bolex commented. "I like the idea."

"What do you think would be big enough to take down an entire gang?" Canta asked. "Ever seen a live military tank in action before?" Ject asked. "They have a ton of gunpower loaded in them." While the others thought that was a good idea, there was still one problem." "What if there isssn't a tank in the minesss?" Snavy asked. "Troto can give us anything, as long as we give him enough worms to eat off of," Ject answered. "I mean it's a mine. That place is crawling with worms." "Then let's head out," Canta said. "Is that water all sealed up?" "Completamente (Completely)," Bolex explained when they saw two velcro straps keeping the water to the wagon. Ject lead his team through the wasteland, in search of the gold, and weapons in the mines.


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