Chapter 07: Big Apple Gulch.

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Ject continued driving his motorcycle, until he reached a town near the farthest end of the road, that stopped to where the sand was. As Ject looked closer through his binoculars, he spotted that it was a western town.

As Ject looked even further into the town, he spotted that most of the people in town have human, and mutated faces, looking friendly enough, but there was not a single smile on their faces as they went on with their daily lives. Each resident of the town looked unhappy, with hearts filled with fear, or depression as they live there.

"Damn," Ject commented. "Never thought I'd see a town that had no smiles." "This was all that gangs fault," Voit said. "If a hero did come, we would be able to take them out of town." "Well, let's just worry about getting you home first," Ject explained. "Your parents must be worried sick." Ject drove into town, and started passing by some of the local mutants who live there, while looking for the lizard boy's home. Finally, Ject spotted a house line right of the buildings.

"Now which one of these places is your home?" Ject asked. "The one with the number 57149," Voit answered. Ject finally sees the house, and parks there. Once they were out, Ject uses the bell attached to the wall next to the front door to signal the parents. Finally someone comes, and Ject sees a woman with the same colored scales, and lizard tail as Voit, but she was bigger. "Voit," the woman said, and hugged the lizard boy. "Are you okay, my little angel. Did you get hurt by something out there?"

"No Ma," Voit answered. "I was just finding food, but didn't know it was from the gunslinger man. I told him about the food dilemma, and he gave me a bag of food in return. I was too tired to eat it though." "We'll have it together then, Voit," the mother said. "Thank you for your help, gunslinger, but everyone else in this town could use someone like you." "Sorry ma'am, but unless I see them, there's nothing I can do," Ject explained. "Whoever this guy is will be fixing for a massive injury, and maybe I can see about freeing the town from him, and his gang." "Thank you so much, sir," the mother said. "Come on Voit."

As the lizard boy went inside with his mother, Ject returned to his motorcycle, and drove slowly around the town, while pondering on how to save Big Apple Gulch. "Looks kind of like a neat town, Looper," Ject commented. "All it's missing are happy faces. Maybe I can see who it is." Ject looked around the town, and spotted that all of the people living in town were mutants mixed with animals. "Maybe it's something that's not a mutant," Ject said, getting suspicious, but then heard his stomach rumble. "Can't think on an empty stomach. Let's get some grub." Ject spotted the town saloon, and took his bird inside with him. However, the gunslinger was unaware that he was being watched, by a human man wearing a brown trench coat, matching hat, and a goatee.


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