Chapter 34: Leb's End.

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After getting his arm removed, Leb took a couple of steps back, and got frightened. "If you think murder is something that gives you sh*ts, and giggles, then let's see how funny it is to watch you die," Ject said.

"This town is mine, Ringo," Leb said. "I might have no gang, but I ain't given up just yet." "Yes you are, f***face," Ject explained. "This town doesn't want a gang that kills anything in their path, including children. Therefore as punishment, your existence is here by removed from Big Apple Gulch forever." With that, Ject was ready to murder him.

First by putting up Leb's pistol by tossing it to Felcri, Looper flew towards Ject, and the gunslinger shoved his pistol up the falcon, which made its talons fold, its wings closed. Once both his pistol, and falcon were connected, Ject pulled the trigger, and a beam of blue energy came out of its open beak, as he launched it towards Leb. "NOOOOOOOOO," Leb shouted, as the ball hit his chest, and it flew him to the ground while at the same time leaving a hole in his chest.

Ject disconnected both his falcon, and pistol, causing it to fly back onto his shoulder. The energy around Ject faded, once Leb was done for, and passed out. "I have no idea what that was a second ago," Troto commented. "But all I can say is, WE DID IT. HALLELUJAH." Everyone else cheered just after going through all that, and Voit got up. "Did we win?" Voit asked, showing the others that he wasn't really dead. "It sure did," Canta answered. "Wait, didn't he just die earlier?" Bolex asked.

"The laser gun that Leb was carrying doesn't kill anyone," Snavy answered. "It jussst causes them to get a burning rash." "Yep," Canta agreed. "All Voit had to do was fake getting injured, and that would cause Ject to get furious, and murder Leb once he was distracted." "I wish I was clever enough to do something as brave as that," Troto commented. "We'll take the corpses of Leb, and his gang into the town jail for you," Felcri explained. "With his vulture destroyed, and his gang in pieces, he won't be causing harm to anyone in Big Apple Gulch anymore." "What about the weapons that the gang stole?" Voit asked.

"My people will be searching for their hideout tomorrow," Felcri answered. "In the meantime, we will stay here, and make sure everyone is safe, until you can find a new sheriff." "That won't be necessssary," the group heard a familiar voice, while turning to find Anac, the mayor of Big Apple Gulch. "Father, what are you doing here?" Snavy asked. "And how did you get free from that cage they placssed you in?" "The gunssslinger did it," Anac answered. "Asss for what you were talking about, the decsssision of who will become mayor of thisss town will be given to the people, none the lessss. Now that we have our town back, I will be requesssting everyone who helped out to sssign up for that chancssse later thisss afternoon. Now carry on with what you need to do."


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