Chapter 19: Coming Towards A Deal.

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Troto placed the pickaxe down, and picked up the worm sandwich he was eating, to let the travelers negotiate with him. "There ain't no tanks in this mine," Troto explained. "That would just be ridiculous."

"Sin tanques (No tanks)?" Bolex asked. "How can that be." "Trust me," Troto said. "I tried bringing a tank here. The thing won't fit when I drive it through the back entrance. I was gonna sell it for scrap, but some hermits came by, took it apart, and ran away with most of the parts, leaving me with only the conveyor wheels."

"Wait, where did you get that tank from?" Canta asked. "There's an abandoned warehouse full of military vehicles from the 2000s in the abandoned city of Manhattan," Troto answered. "That's where we need to go next," Ject explained. "Okay, but before we leave, could you sssupply usss with the weaponsss you do have?" Snavy asked. "I could, but it's going to require a bit of payment," Troto answered. "It's in worms, isn't it?" Ject asked. "You guessed it," Troto answered.

"Sometimes I hate it when I'm right," Ject commented. "Know this though," Troto explained. "These worms aren't like the usual ones you found on the ground. After that old mutation explosion years ago, they grew, and I became in worm paradise. Now get." Ject, and the group left the mole, and continued into the mines, while searching for the giant worms that Troto was talking about. Of course, all of the holes have been dug up by Troto before the group could arrive, so no worms.

"I don't see any worms at all," Canta said. "How are we going to catch worms like this?" "Easy," Ject answered. "We head to a spot in the mines that Troto hasn't looked." Just then, as Ject found a rusted up mine cart that was stuck on the track. Ject pointed his gun at where the rust was being help up, and shot it, to make it clean. "This mine cart should take me to a deeper end of the mines to get me to where the worms are," Ject explained. "Now who's coming with?" "Not me," Snavy said. "I know I'm part sssnake, but I hate wormsss." "Same goes for me," Canta agreed. "I'll go, Amigo," Bolex said, and hopped in the cart.

With that, Canta pushed the cart, and it followed the tracks to where the worms were located. Since Troto was old, he didn't even find the chasm that the tracks lead to, and spotted a tunnel on the other end of it. Once Ject, and Bolex were on the other side, they got out of the cart, and noticed the sound of something eating. By the time they looked, they spotted a nest of giant worms with bizarre teeth. "Those appear to be worms alright," Ject said. "Let's see if they'll die easily." Ject pulled out his pistol, while at the same time Bolex pulled out his shotgun. They both shot at the giant babies, each with a single bullet, causing them to die in the brains. The worm mother was way bigger, meaning it'll take weeks for Troto to finish the worms he would eat.


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