Izuku Midoriya( part 1)

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Warning warning this chapter contains spoilers⚠️

Minetas (pov)

Nothing has been the same. Everyone is hart broken even me. And I did like him one bit. But he was my. Classmates. If I didn't look up to Midoriya I most likely would have looked up to him. He was fast ,smart, and was going to be a great hero. From what I heard him and Midoriya where child hood friends. Everyone could see how much it hurt him. But somethings off. As if he's not fully sad he's gone. And to say the least. I think I'm the e only person to notice it.

Except the animals that are in the dorm leaving room giving everyone something to get codable with. I did suggest a Chihuahua but. I got yelled at. So I ask for a Pomeranian. And got the shit bet out of me by Kirishima. I quickly scope around the room. Ever sense they dragged Midoriya back he's hasn't been seen. And right now was no exception. I sighed as I quickly wall down the hall. If I recall right Dekus room should be near. As If I was heard Midoriya started to yell.

I quickly hind. Not wanting to make it clear I was near. "I don't give a crap Aizawa you should have let me at him. He killed Bakugo for Allmights sake. Just let me leave the room. I promise I won't do anything out of hand. " So Midoriya was talking to Aizawa. Now that I think of it. It would make sense of him to be on House arrest after what he has done. I heard That copycat from class 1B was spreading rumors that Midoriya killed someone. And that's why everyone is upset with him. The next thing I new Midoriyas door slammed open and close.

I quickly close the door I was in. This way  I would avoid getting in trouble for snooping. I waited for the footsteps to fad before leaving the room I was in. Usely I could us my characters design hight to sneak pass Aizawa. But they been more on high alert. So I can't really get away with anything without being seen. I quickly wall to Midoriya door before nocking. I hope he can open the door. And I was wrong to hope. " What Aizawa realize you forget the keys"

Midoriyas voice spoke out. I quickly respond. " Midoriya. It's me Mineta I wanted to ce check up on you." I stuttered. My lispa only made it sound worse. After a few seconds the door open. I toke a deep breath as I walk into the room. All Midoriyas Allmight figurines where scattered across the floor. He wasn't taking this well at all. I quickly turned to face him. He still wearing his costume. And it's covered in blood and dust. I really hate seeing him like this. I look up to him. And I want to see him smile. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

Midoriya didn't move a inch. I sighed. So this is going to be done the hard way. I quickly wall up to Deku. He flinch as I get closer. Did Bakugos death really take this big of a toll on Midoriyas personal. He seam draned as if he needed to cry but was hold back every. After few seconds I wrap my arms around his lags. Even though my head was really close to his lower half. I knew he needed this hug more then I need to keep up my appearance.

After a few minutes Midoriya finley gave in. He fell to his nees and hugged me back. As he dose so the only thing I can think of. It something Midoriya would say. " Even in lost a hero is a hero. Yes we may lose the ones we love. But there will always be someone there to try and pull you back into the lights." I stopped as I looked Midoriya In the eyes. I then continue as I grab Midoriyas face. " Izuku you have people here who love and care about you. We all wont to help. But we can't help if you shút us out.

Izuku please open your walls and let everyone in. Because heros help heros be better heros." I stop speaking as Midoriyas sad eyes changed on the spot. "What the?!" I quickly said as I stumbled back a bit. Midoriya the quickly spoke up. " I was wondering who was going to be the first to come visit me. I was expecting Todoroki or maybe even Kirishima, anyone but you. When you said something I would say to any of you when you are down in the blues. I have to say you impressed me Minoru" Midoriya started to walk over to me.

My hole body was shacking I. Fear. What is going on. Midoriya smiled as he picked me up as if I was a child who just got home from there first day of school. He chuckled as he spoke keeping me raised off the ground." Isn't straight Minoru how out of everyone you are the only one who seams to care." I wiper in fear. I never seen Izuku like this before. Midoriya quickly sat down on the bed making sure I was sitting on his lap facing him. After a few seconds he started to cry.

My instincts instantly took it control as I hug him again. The only thing that's running thought my head right now is that Izuku is dilling with this trauma by pushing away his feeling. And that I could understand. I have been trying to do the same. But if it mad Izuku act like this. I don't think I want to do it anymore. Sometimes you just need to cry.  After a few minutes I felt a strong pain in my neck. I hissed as I try to pull away from Izuku but with no use. I felt tried as if the word was falling on me.

As my eyes became a haze I can hear Izuku speak. " I will never lose anyone who cares about me ever again. Welcome to the club Minoru. Sleepy tight. I love you~

I have no regrets. This ... Izuku is scary. Ps thx for reaching this chapter part 2 will be the next chapter write.

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