Tenya Lida

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This chapter has come to mu mind because of the following person book. " golittlerickstar69"
I try tagging them. But my phone said no. And the book I got it from is "Hind and seek" and because the og book was a smut book. You know so dose this one. So enjoy XD.


Hide and seek. Who's bright idea was it?! Oh ya mine's. I would have thought I would have gotten to hind with a girl. But noooo. It's girls vs boys. And now me and Iida are in a fucking Janitor's closet. Only a few inches away from each. Not to mention that's he's standing up.

And that means I have a face full of dick right Infront of me if I move wrong. I quickly huffed as I hear mina yelling Down the hall. " Really or not here we come!" But I only followed Iida in here because he's the class present and knows all the best place's to hind in the school. And not to mention I want advice on how to get Yaoyoroza to like me. " So Iida tell me about yourself." I don't really know where to start but that's seams right.

He quickly looked down at me before crouching to my height level and covering my mouth. My eyes widen as I look at him. Is he crazy!! After a few minutes he spoke up. " I don't want to be a part your look on women Mineta. Right now we are in a middle of a game. And even though it is a childish game. I still want to play to the best of my abilities. Now keep it down!" I only huffed at his responses. Didn't even answer my question. " Found you Bakugo!" Shit Bakugo wasn't to far away from us.

I quickly go and lock the door. Iida looks down at me pisted off. " That's cheating Mineta!" I quickly grabbed his hand before he could unlock the door. " Are you crazy Jirou is out there. And she just found Bakugo. He wasn't to far away from us. And I'm pretty sure he's willing to snitch. And with the door lock they can't get in." He looked down at me so upset. He was about to yell something then the schools heating turned on. Are you kidding me! There's a heater in here. And not to mention all this stuff.

We are going to melt in here. After a few minutes it go really hot. And with how close me and Iida are. I don't think a fan could cool us off. But if it has to be a fan. Can it be a girl. Nevermind that. I quickly noticed Iida quickly unbuttoning his jacket and top. What his he doing. I don't even know why he wear his uniform. Shit my tank top and shorts are good enough for me! But that also doesn't help with all the heat. " So how much longer before you think the game will end?"

Iida quickly looked up at me and respond to my question. " Well it should talk about 1 hour too 2 hours to find everyone. So a would say we get found now or wait the 2 hours." I sigh as I respond to him. " I think I reather win then get found by Bakugo." Come out come out where every you are!" Yep don't want to be found by him. " I can't believe he gang up with the girls after he was found so not cool!" Iida only chuckled at me responds. I quickly huffed. I then look back at Iida he had the top 3 buttons on his shirt undone.

After a few minutes Bakugo set off his quirk near by. And that made Iida jump forward into me. My eyes widen as I felt my back hit against one of the lower shelf's. I quickly cover my mouth as Iida push's away from me. After about 10 minutes Bakugo was out of hearing range. I quickly push myself off the shelf as hissed in pain. " Mineta are you ok?" I growl at Iida's question. He sighed before sitting down completely on the ground with his lags straightened out in front of him.

What is he trying to do. Swish me even more. " Mineta come here!" Was that a command? I look up at him as if he crazy. After a second or two he quickly pulled me into his lap. My eyes widen as I try my best to look at Iida. " This way there's more room to sit." I mean he is right. It's not to crowded now. But it's still hot. After a few minutes Iida quickly shoved my head into his shoulder. What is he doing now. After a few minutes his hands started to massage the bruise part on my back.

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora